lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

Roulette Variants

American roulette


American roulette is a variation of the roulette game offered in land-based and online casinos originating from North America. The so-called American roulette wheel has 38 slots numbered 0 to 36 and including a double zero slot. Unlike in standard roulette where the numbers are not consecutive, in American roulette the numbers are arranged in a row. Unlike in standard roulette, in American roulette the black and red numbers alternate... Also, the roulette ball travels on the inner edge, unlike in standard roulette. The wheel slows down gradually and the ball stops on a number, which is designated as the winner. What is important in terms of the game is that each participant at the table has to place his bet before the ball lands on the winning number. The maximum number of participants allowed at the American roulette table is six. A minimum table limit is set. Of course, the amount of the bets can increase significantly. It may be true that the so-called French roulette wheel has fewer numbers (and thus the player’s chances of winning increase), but most players who play in a traditional casino or on the internet decide to play American roulette.

French roulette


image of roulette.
There are many differences between the so-called French roulette and American roulette. There are differences not only in the internal rules of the game, but also in the betting systems and payouts. You can say that there is a competition between American roulette and French roulette, each of them trying to attract more players. The first thing to consider when you decide to play roulette is that the French roulette wheel has 37 slots numbered from zero (0) to thirty-six (36). The slots have different colors: green corresponds to zero, while the remaining numbers are either red or black. The game begins when the dealer spins the wheel in one direction and the ivory ball in the opposite direction. The ball must make several turns around the wheel until it finally stops on a number, which is the winner. The main thing about the French game of roulette played at the best roulette casinos is that there are different ways to make the bets. In French roulette, the bets are placed on the mat, the fabric that allows different combinations of bets. The roulette bets can be either simple or multiple. The simple bets are called so because the player can choose between two options, while in the latter case they can choose between more options in their search for success. The high/low bet, for instance, is a simple bet (19-36). In this case, the player wins if he guesses the numbers between nineteen and thirty-six. So is the dozen bet, in which case the player places his bet on the dozens 1-12, 13-24 or 25-36. He wins if the ball lands on the dozen he has bet on.

Well, now you know enough to make the best choice when you decide to play roulette either online or in land-based casinos. Good luck!

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

Cats and cat health insurance

Currently almost 7.5 million cats are in our households. There are different breeds and characters of cats. They all have their own head and do some stupid things also. With cat insurance you can always provide your cat the security that it deserves.

 This insurance ensures the proper care, good food and plenty of pats on the welfare of your cat. Your cat can suddenly get ill or can be hit by a car outdoors. Often, it helps to have insurance. A lot of people still believe that cats have 9 lives. Now, you need to think otherwise. These cats may cost you a lot due to accidents and health issues.

With cat health insurance or at least with a cat-surgical insurance, you will take this load lightly. A lot of cat owners are not prepared for the expenses, and an operation can sometimes cost several thousand Euros. Just recently, a cat that has pet insurance got a fracture due to a car accident. The cost of hospitalization and emergency surgery: 1.950 €. For your information, there are more than 185,000 customers for this insurance.

There are plenty of choices that you can consider as you decide on the cat insurance for your lovely pets at home.

Kidney failure (renal failure) in cats

image of pet insurance.


Kidney failure (renal failure) in cats can be acute or chronic.
What is kidney failure (renal failure) in cats?
When a kidney weakens in a cat, it can be either acute (acute renal failure) or gradual (chronic renal failure). The kidneys are vital organs that filter the blood. Among other things that it can do are urine and water balance, control blood pressure and metabolism of the cat.
Likewise, the kidneys of the cat have certain hormones that are responsible for the formation of blood and the bones of importance. A kidney failure can have many causes. They often occur in older cats.

What are the causes of kidney failure (renal failure) in cats?
Kidney failure (renal failure) in cats can have different causes. Possible causes include:
Age: older cats are affected by weak kidneys because the kidney efficiency declines at older ages.

Injuries: the scarred kidney tissue loses its function. Kidney weakness may be the result

in the poisoning of the cat.
Infections in cats
Diet: Overeating and high-protein diet promote renal weakness in the cat.

Decreased blood flow: If the kidney does not receive sufficient blood supply, the sensitive kidney tissues will not be adequately supplied with nutrients. Kidney damage is the result

Malformations of the kidney (e.g. polycystic kidney disease)

Immune responses: defensive substances can clog the fine renal vessels, so that the kidney of the cat does not receive sufficient blood supply.

The kidneys will then increase in size (renal hypertrophy) if only one kidney is damaged which can be due to some factors such as an injury to the kidney. However, if there is further deterioration of healthy kidney tissue, the first symptoms of kidney failure will surely be observed.

Weakness manifests among cats with kidney or renal failure.

Kidney failure (renal failure) in cats leads to different symptoms. There can be increased loss of appetite (anorexia), powerful thirst, and vomiting. The cat will seem lethargic and will lose weight as a consequence of reduced food intake. Even the cat urinates more frequently than usual if there is kidney weakness, and it discharges large amounts of urine (polyuria and polydipsia).

Renal insufficiency may also lead to anemia. With disturbed metabolism, there is also bone decalcification (osteodystrophy) which is very possible. Bone fractures in cats will become common.

How is kidney failure (renal failure) diagnosed in cats?

The diagnosis of kidney failure (renal failure) can be done with various investigations. First, the vet can check the nutritional status of the cat and will make sure if the cat appears, for example, under-or overfed. Also it may be subjected to signs of anemia in the cat like having pale mucous membranes. Possible evidence of renal insufficiency is water retention (edema) or dehydration (dehydration) of the cat.

In case of suspected kidney failure, the vet will touch the sides of the cat - pain in the kidney area may be a sign of kidney damage. With imaging techniques (e.g. ultrasound), the veterinarian can examine the size and appearance of the kidneys. For the diagnosis of kidney failure in cats, the vet can also measure blood pressure and cardiac function (e.g. using electrocardiography test, EKG) of the cat. Furthermore, it can be to accurately diagnose through blood and urine laboratory study of the cat in order to assess the degree of kidney failure in cats.

How is kidney failure (renal failure) treated in the cat?

In a cat with renal function, a low protein-and low-phosphorus diet can help to delay the progression of kidney failure (renal failure) or even prevent it. In consultation with the vet it might be useful to mix the feed with water-soluble vitamins, because the affected cat urinates more generally and thus also excretes water-soluble vitamins.

To counteract a possible anemia with a kidney weakness of the cat, the veterinarian often prescribe erythropoietin - a hormone that is important for the formation of red blood cells. Otherwise, the drug treatment of kidney failure in cats depends strongly on the causes. For bacterial infections, an antibiotic can surely help a lot. Renal failure occurs also as a side effect of drugs. The vet can change either the dose or prescribe - if possible - another drug.

What is the prognosis of kidney failure (renal failure) in cats?

The prognosis of kidney failure (renal failure) in cats depends on the cause and degree of renal injury.This is covered by most cat insurance plans. Renal failure in cats can detected and treated early, further damage to the kidneys can usually be avoided. A targeted treatment and appropriate diet is important for kidney weakness to improve kidney function. The damaged tissue cannot heal by it, just for your information.

How can kidney failure (renal failure) be prevented in cats?

In general, one cannot prevent kidney failure in cats. With a balanced, low-protein diet, it is possible to support kidney function.

When to see the vet?

If one sees signs of kidney failure (renal failure) in his cat, he should consult a veterinarian immediately. An untreated kidney failure may be life threatening to the cat. The veterinarian can diagnose and treat a kidney weakness exactly. He can also give a good advice to have the best diet for kidney failure.

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011

Welfare, care and feeding of rabbits

The domestic rabbit is the domesticated form of the European wild rabbit. Thanks to the rapid reproduction, the wild rabbit has spread rapidly through southern and central Europe. In the Middle Ages they were used as meat and fur supplier, it was by and by the way to "pet". At that time it was mainly monasteries and principalities, which valued the rabbits on their table. The large breeds of rabbits (5 kg) were therefore bred as a meat supplier. Later developed, into medium and small breeds.

image of rabbit.
Today we remember the rabbits primarily as our loving companions, with their sharp gadgets bringing much joy into our daily lives. Whether at home or in the garden - rabbits in Germany are the most popular pets. It is above all the rabbits, the rounded bodies, large pet rabbit-button eyes and a weight of 1 to 1.5 kg that have found their way to into the heart of the rabbit owners. Rabbits are not the same rabbits as before.
There are rabbits with drooping ears, such as dwarf rams, lions, rams and Teddy dwarfs and dwarf rabbits with upright ears, such as lion heads (also called lion head rabbit) and Angora rabbit. From the very sad position of the stable of farmed rabbit is now an enlightened welfare-rabbit entertainment has become. Everyone knows rabbit holder that dwarfs our colors, etc. only feel well with other dogs. Still not completely disappeared from the minds of the people is the fallacy that you can keep rabbits and guinea pigs together. Both species differ significantly in body language and habits, and tend not to harmonize with each other. Guinea pigs are often physically inferior against the larger rabbits - say - even if they are dwarf rabbits.

A sad chapter, we have the livestock and the spread of wild rabbits, unfortunately, in the attitude of the rabbits brought from home: myxomatosis and RHD can China disease of wild rabbits to domestic rabbits and transferred to Co, and almost always lead to a terrible death. Good rabbit holders should vaccinate your rabbit regularly - even if the vet deems it not necessarily for necessity. Such damage cannot be vaccinated, regardless of where you live. Even vaccinated rabbits can become infected with myxomatosis, the disease spreads less rapidly - but unfortunately still affects our pet rabbit TO LIFE.

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

Online Bingo Rules: Introduction

 Bingo has already been played for centuries and the term "Bingo" is originally from Italy. Often it is played at charity events, where the profit is a non-profit organization or a club. Since the beginning of the 21st Century you can also play online Bingo, which brings with it many advantages: You can play at any time and also with very low stakes and you don’t even have to leave the house.

Bingo Rules

Bingo is a game that promises plenty of fun and excitement. The rules are easily explained. A Bingo player buys one or more playing cards. On a map a range of numbers (e.g. 25 for 75 ball Bingo) is shown. Now a ball (also called ball or number) is drawn by someone who calls out  the number on the ball. If this number on your card, then you mark it. Once you reach the winning combination - usually a horizontal line - "Bingo" is called and the winner gets the appropriate jackpot.

Bingo Rules: The playing cards and numbers
image of bingo.
To play bingo games, you must purchase at least one playing card. On a Bingo card game variants of  the same number of figures is depicted, albeit in different order and with different numbers. A single game ticket’s cost depends on the value of prizes ranging from a few cents to hundreds of dollars. Advanced Bingo players prefer playing with more than one game card so they increase their chance of winning and have more action in the game. The two most popular type of Bingo are the 75 ball variants and 90 ball Bingo.
Accordingly, there are either 75 or 90 numbers that can be drawn. A round of 75 ball Bingo takes less time because there are fewer numbers to choose from and it is completed more quickly for someone to call a Bingo. 75 ball Bingo is most common in the U.S. and so will also be offered online anywhere. The map consists of a grid of five by five fields. 90 ball Bingo is very widespread in Europe. A playing card is 3 spaces high and 9 squares wide. Of these, there are numbers mapped five per row, so it totals 15.

Bingo Rules: The pattern and gain ranks

Usually you win in Bingo when you have completed the first horizontal row. There are also variants of this rule. Depending on the provider you can also win a prize if you have completed the first two rows. And then there is the full house, or even blackout of the Full Card: This combination you get when you have covered all the numbers on your card. Online casinos often offer progressive jackpots for those who manage to cover within 50 balls or balls on all fields.

Play Bingo online

Nowadays you can play Bingo at many online casinos, free or for real money. One software does not have to be installed, and it logs right in on your browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox etc) and you can get started. It is worthwhile to try these for fun again: Bingo providers offer each new customer an interesting bonus. Here you will find an overview of the best online Bingo providers.