Vaccination - Readiness for life from an early age
The so-called basic immunization is mandatory, just like the triannual refresher vaccinations. The first series of vaccinations consists of 2 injections, which are them given within intervals of 3-4 weeks and every 12 months later on.
The cat’s body needs to develop a type of memory that persists for a period of about one year. Booster vaccinations should be carried out more than 14 months later. Otherwise, this effect may be lost and recent vaccination may be necessary. Not every cat needs every vaccine in the world.
You have to consider whether the cat will be a purely indoor cat or whether you will let it go out of the house from time to time. What do you do during your vacation? Do you take your cat with you, do you leave it with the neighbors or do you take it to a special home? The age of your cat is essential for some vaccinations, too. Each vaccination can cause different reactions or adverse effects.
Prerequisites for vaccination
Parasite freedom, i.e. deworming has been carried out previously
Avoidance of stress, such as owners’ departure or relocation
Compliance with the vaccination schedule for kittens
The alleged schedule is a guideline but you can create a personalized vaccination schedule together with your veterinarian.
The vaccination schedule for kittens:
9th week of life Vaccination against cat flu, feline distemper
12th week of life Vaccination against cat flu, feline distemper, rabies and feline leukemia
16th week of life Vaccination against rabies and feline leukemia
The vaccination schedule for previously unvaccinated adult cats:
Vaccination of cats against cat flu, feline distemper, feline leukemia and rabies (variations are possible depending on the lifestyle)
Repetition of the same vaccine 3-4 weeks later
Booster vaccination is required every one to three years depending on the vaccine and the infection rate, as well as on the deworming
Why should you deworm your cat?
Regular deworming is a hygienic duty to protect both the cat and the cat owners against any possible infection. Deworming is not a form of vaccination. It does not offer protection over a certain period of time. It only treats the current infestation. However, a new adult worm can develop in four weeks from the deworming.
Means of infection of worms
Cats get infected with roundworms through breast milk. Roundworms are transmitted mainly through excretion, through feces which contains larvae that evolve nearby the infection. Then, the larvae pass through the mouth cavity to the stomach-intestinal tract of the pets. Furthermore, infestation is possible through the consumption of raw meat or flies.
Larvae of hookworms can penetrate the healthy skin of the cat.
Tapeworms, however, give off some limbs and remain in a dried state, as if they were grains of rice affecting the cats health. They can also be transmitted by fleas or rodents. Therefore, regular deworming is strongly recommended for the best protection of your pet.
Do indoor cats need to be dewormed? Several studies have shown that up to 20% of worm-derived fecal samples tested positive for indoor cats. This means that 20% of the suspected cats were indoor cats. These cats catch worms from flies, fleas or the master’s or mistress’s shoes. Sometimes they get infected after consuming raw meat. Pure apartment cats should be dewormed annually or whenever they are suspected of being infected with worms.
How to deworm your cat properly
Dams: 10 days before the birth
Kittens from the 14th week of life: Every 2 weeks until weaning with the mother. Then twice more.
Indoor cats: Once per year
Street cats: At least 4 times per year and 14 days before (or after) each vaccination. Not simultaneously.
Different preparations can be administered in different ways. Follow the instructions provided by your veterinarian.
Interesting things:
There is custom-made deworming for humans against nematodes, tapeworms, Giardia. Unfortunately, there is still no vaccine against Lyme disease for cats. Prevention remains the best protection against Lyme disease (anti-tick prevention should be carried out every 3-4 weeks), as well as the regular, daily scanning of the animal for ticks. Lyme disease is usually not transmitted within the first 24 hours.
miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012
jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012
The French Roulette Layout
French roulette is one of the loveliest and most complex games one can play in a casino. The basic principle is the same as in all roulette variants, but the wheel looks different and the game is played differently. There always need to be three dealers at the table. They also use a so-called rake if the table is too large. This is like a shaft designed to push the chips to the winning player. You should take a close look at the layout of the French roulette table to keep up with all the symbols used in this form of roulette.
Similarly to European roulette, French roulette is played with 37 numbers and therefore includes no double zero. There is a large box with a single zero at the top of the wheel. The 0 looks the same as in American roulette nad make the roulette house edge bigger. The numbers are lined up three by three from number 1 all the way to number 36.
Outside bets
This is where the two versions of roulette start to differ. You can bet on the exact same things as in American roulette, but of course the boxes are not in the same place as in French roulette. You might remember that in the American roulette version, all outside bets were on the same side of the numbers. In this variant, there are outside bets on both sides plus a few in any diagonal direction. There are boxes in the columns where you can bet on the column you believe the ball will land on. Diagonally there are the boxes for the dozens. These boxes are placed on both sides so that players can bet whatever their position. The boxes for dozens are very large in American roulette games and very small in French roulette. The only things written in the boxes are P, M and D and a small 12: P stands for Premiere, which is French for first. Therefore, P 12 is the first 12 (1-12). D stands for Derniere, which is French for last. Therefore, D 12 means the last 12 (25-36). M stands for middle, so M 12 refers to the numbers in between (13-24).
At the top of the wheel on both sides of the figures there are the Manque and Passe bets. Manque is the box in which you place your bets on the first 18 numbers (1-18) and Passe is the box in which you place your bets on the last 18 (19-36). There are two boxes called Pair and Impair in these boxes. This means even and odd numbers. You can probably figure it out yourself which is which. Then there are the red and black boxes. This may say nothing, but these colors can also be profitable.
A French roulette table is very exciting to watch. First of all, those who usually play at the French roulette table are extremely skilled as they usually throw the chips into the correct box. It is also fascinating to see how they push out chips with the rake. A French roulette table does not include any neighbors or comics like the ones found on the American roulette table. You have to tell the dealer if you want to play comics or neighbors and they will place the bet for you.
miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012
Playing Average Pairs at Poker Games
How to play middle pairs in cash games
The pairs ranging between 6-6 and J-J are called middle pairs. These hands are well below the big pairs in value. The value declines rapidly as you approach the pair of 6s. You can play them all whatever your position, but you must vary your game greatly if you want to win the coup.
Consider your position at the table when you choose your game options. Your game should vary according to whether the pot has been raised or not.
Raised pots

If you are in early position, raise twice with J-J, T-T, 9-9, 8-8, 7-7 and 6-6. The value of the raise should decrease as the value of the hands decreases.
Vary your play and call from time to time to cover your tracks. Otherwise, your game will follow a pattern and will quickly be spotted even by beginners. Even they will understand your play very quickly. Then, you will have great difficulties in recovering your bet.
If you are in middle position, you can raise if you have an average pair. Your raise will increase the value of KJ or QJ combinations, which could cause problems on the flop.
If you are in late position, you should be aggressive. For example, you can call with a pair of jacks or tens hoping to be revived and re-raise with what is probably the best hand at that time. In most cases, you will win the pot immediately.
If you have a short stack, you can re-raise or go all-in with a pair of jacks or tens. You should not fold because your chances of remaining in the game will decrease significantly.
If you have a big stack, you can follow the raise with these hands. The implied odds are huge if you hit a set. It will be difficult for your opponent to go further in the game if they do not hit a pair on the flop. Sometimes you can win instantly with a continuation bet.
If the pot has been raised and then re-raised, it is time to get rid of those hands that can cost you your entire carpet. However, you must make an exception to this rule if the bet was followed by several players. In this case, your hand is a draw hand with very favorable real and implied odds. Throw your hand if you do not hit the set on the flop. If you hit a set, you will win a huge pot. Use the newest casino promotions before you start to play. In most cases the bonuses are in form of pending dollars that you unlock by playing more and more games.
The pairs ranging between 6-6 and J-J are called middle pairs. These hands are well below the big pairs in value. The value declines rapidly as you approach the pair of 6s. You can play them all whatever your position, but you must vary your game greatly if you want to win the coup.
Consider your position at the table when you choose your game options. Your game should vary according to whether the pot has been raised or not.
Raised pots
If you are in early position, raise twice with J-J, T-T, 9-9, 8-8, 7-7 and 6-6. The value of the raise should decrease as the value of the hands decreases.
Vary your play and call from time to time to cover your tracks. Otherwise, your game will follow a pattern and will quickly be spotted even by beginners. Even they will understand your play very quickly. Then, you will have great difficulties in recovering your bet.
If you are in middle position, you can raise if you have an average pair. Your raise will increase the value of KJ or QJ combinations, which could cause problems on the flop.
If you are in late position, you should be aggressive. For example, you can call with a pair of jacks or tens hoping to be revived and re-raise with what is probably the best hand at that time. In most cases, you will win the pot immediately.
If you have a short stack, you can re-raise or go all-in with a pair of jacks or tens. You should not fold because your chances of remaining in the game will decrease significantly.
If you have a big stack, you can follow the raise with these hands. The implied odds are huge if you hit a set. It will be difficult for your opponent to go further in the game if they do not hit a pair on the flop. Sometimes you can win instantly with a continuation bet.
If the pot has been raised and then re-raised, it is time to get rid of those hands that can cost you your entire carpet. However, you must make an exception to this rule if the bet was followed by several players. In this case, your hand is a draw hand with very favorable real and implied odds. Throw your hand if you do not hit the set on the flop. If you hit a set, you will win a huge pot. Use the newest casino promotions before you start to play. In most cases the bonuses are in form of pending dollars that you unlock by playing more and more games.
viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012
Paying Off Debt versus Personal Bankruptcy
Debt counselors advise you to declare yourself bankrupt simply because there is less work for the consultant and a trustee does the rest of the work. The question is what you think about it and how bankruptcy can affect your future life. Weigh the changes and think about whether you can live with these changes and about what consequences might arise if you declare yourself bankrupt.
Personal bankruptcy is worthwhile only if the debt is very high and you have no more reserves to pay off at least 2 to 10 percent of the total amount monthly.
It is best to contact your creditors and make a current debt plan to determine if it is worth paying off the debt.
This is almost your whole heart of the planning and ultimately the basis of your decision. Then you decide together with your family whether there are no saving opportunities or if you should take up secondary activities to pay off your debt. Check whether you can receive any social benefits from the state. You can claim help from the AWO or DRKS. There are also several computers on the internet to calculate the amount you can claim from the social services.
It is completely up to you to choose a form of debt consolidation and repayment. This decision requires both discipline and renunciation.

Both forms of debt have advantages and disadvantages and everything depends on the circumstances. Let’s look at debt repayment in more detail first. This is worthwhile if your debt is manageable, if no savings have been made ? and if you are disciplined enough.
The debt can be paid in installments, just like in case of personal bankruptcy. However, the repayment of the debt leads to the deletion of the entries in the credit bureau, which is simply necessary in certain occupational groups. You do not receive the visit of the bailiff if your relationship with the creditors is good and honest. The requirement to pay off is to have a decent income. You can calculate the repayment rate per creditor and not rely on the attachment limits. In other words, you have more benefits and freedoms.
The disadvantage is that you have to live with the tension of having to pay off the debt and with the uncertainty that the creditor may lose their patience and ask the bailiff or the PA to seize your assets. You also need patience and discipline to stick to the repayment plan.
In case of personal bankruptcy, you have to inform the trustees on your financial matters and to obtain their permission to do anything that can affect your financial situation. The amount of the debt is only secondary when it comes to consumer bankruptcy. This is the best solution for you if you are hopelessly in debt. The repayment of the debt is indeed dependent on your income, but nothing can be paid if there is nothing to pay from. You can obtain the remaining credit debt relief within a short period of time. However, you have an entry in the credit bureau that cannot be cleared earlier than three years.
It is up to you to decide what is best for you. No one can make this decision for you.
Personal bankruptcy is worthwhile only if the debt is very high and you have no more reserves to pay off at least 2 to 10 percent of the total amount monthly.
It is best to contact your creditors and make a current debt plan to determine if it is worth paying off the debt.
This is almost your whole heart of the planning and ultimately the basis of your decision. Then you decide together with your family whether there are no saving opportunities or if you should take up secondary activities to pay off your debt. Check whether you can receive any social benefits from the state. You can claim help from the AWO or DRKS. There are also several computers on the internet to calculate the amount you can claim from the social services.
It is completely up to you to choose a form of debt consolidation and repayment. This decision requires both discipline and renunciation.
Advantages and disadvantages
Both forms of debt have advantages and disadvantages and everything depends on the circumstances. Let’s look at debt repayment in more detail first. This is worthwhile if your debt is manageable, if no savings have been made ? and if you are disciplined enough.
The debt can be paid in installments, just like in case of personal bankruptcy. However, the repayment of the debt leads to the deletion of the entries in the credit bureau, which is simply necessary in certain occupational groups. You do not receive the visit of the bailiff if your relationship with the creditors is good and honest. The requirement to pay off is to have a decent income. You can calculate the repayment rate per creditor and not rely on the attachment limits. In other words, you have more benefits and freedoms.
The disadvantage is that you have to live with the tension of having to pay off the debt and with the uncertainty that the creditor may lose their patience and ask the bailiff or the PA to seize your assets. You also need patience and discipline to stick to the repayment plan.
In case of personal bankruptcy, you have to inform the trustees on your financial matters and to obtain their permission to do anything that can affect your financial situation. The amount of the debt is only secondary when it comes to consumer bankruptcy. This is the best solution for you if you are hopelessly in debt. The repayment of the debt is indeed dependent on your income, but nothing can be paid if there is nothing to pay from. You can obtain the remaining credit debt relief within a short period of time. However, you have an entry in the credit bureau that cannot be cleared earlier than three years.
It is up to you to decide what is best for you. No one can make this decision for you.
martes, 15 de mayo de 2012
A Guide For a Proper Lighting
One of the most crucial elements to consider in building a home theater system is also one of the most over-looked. The lighting used in the room has an incredible effect on the movie viewing experience. It can make the difference between a pleasurable experience and a mediocre one. Believe it or not, complete darkness is not the best way to watch movies. This is in complete contrast to what most people actually do. You can even see this in practice at many movie theaters; the lights along the sides of the theater are kept very dim during the film but they are still on. The dim lighting helps to prevent the eye fatigue that results from staring at a bright light source in complete darkness. If you have ever had a headache after watching a long movie, it may have been caused by eye fatigue.

Lighting creates a certain atmosphere inside a room. This is true whether or not the atmosphere created is one that you had intended. When was the last time you walked into a theater that used overhead fluorescent lights? What kind of feelings would that evoke? Would you really feel like you were there to watch a movie or would it feel more like you were about to sit in on a seminar? Positioning, color, and intensity all play a role in the ambiance home theater lighting produces. Decide on exactly the feelings you would like to produce with your home theater lighting. What emotions would you like to evoke as people walk into your home theater? Warm? Relaxed? While different colors elicit different emotions from different people, there are some colors that seem to be associated with certain feelings. Choose shades of the color that is associated with the feelings you want to elicit from your home theater audience. The position and intensity of your home theater lighting will be determined by the placement of the viewing screen. Direct lighting should be avoided during the movie. Using fixtures that reflect light off of walls will help to avoid glare while reducing the harshness of the light. Dimmer switches are also a necessity if your home theater room is not equipped with central lighting control. They will provide you with the ability to customize the intensity of your home theater lighting to your own tastes.
Now before you come up with the excuse that your living room is your home theater room and other things take place there besides watching movies, just stop. If your home theater room and living room are one and the same, there is even greater incentive for you to address the room's lighting. Your living room is a multi-purpose room. When your friends come to visit, that is where you congregate. You read your books in your favorite chair, which is in the living room. Your family gets together to play board games or even just to talk in the living room. On top of these and anything else that goes on in your living room, you watch your movies there. How nice would it be if you could adjust the lights to create the perfect reading atmosphere around your favorite chair? Or how would you like to make a very inclusive and personal setting for spending time with loved ones? Even doing something as simple as creating a relaxing, cozy environment after coming home from work can be accomplished by changing the lighting conditions of a room. Proper lighting will provide you with the means to create all of this in your living room. Home theater lighting can easily be tailored in order to take the work out of finding the perfect setting for each light in the room every time you want to watch a movie. A central lighting control allows you to change the intensity of the all lights in a room from a single location. Some of the more sophisticated learning remote controls can actually activate your favorite lighting conditions with the push of a button. As you can see, lighting is vital to the effectiveness of your home theater system. After being introduced to the possibilities that proper home theater lighting and control provides, it will be hard for you to ignore it any longer. You've taken the time, effort, and expense of creating a home theater system for a reason. Finish the job with proper lighting and create a truly enjoyable viewing experience.
Lighting creates a certain atmosphere inside a room. This is true whether or not the atmosphere created is one that you had intended. When was the last time you walked into a theater that used overhead fluorescent lights? What kind of feelings would that evoke? Would you really feel like you were there to watch a movie or would it feel more like you were about to sit in on a seminar? Positioning, color, and intensity all play a role in the ambiance home theater lighting produces. Decide on exactly the feelings you would like to produce with your home theater lighting. What emotions would you like to evoke as people walk into your home theater? Warm? Relaxed? While different colors elicit different emotions from different people, there are some colors that seem to be associated with certain feelings. Choose shades of the color that is associated with the feelings you want to elicit from your home theater audience. The position and intensity of your home theater lighting will be determined by the placement of the viewing screen. Direct lighting should be avoided during the movie. Using fixtures that reflect light off of walls will help to avoid glare while reducing the harshness of the light. Dimmer switches are also a necessity if your home theater room is not equipped with central lighting control. They will provide you with the ability to customize the intensity of your home theater lighting to your own tastes.
Now before you come up with the excuse that your living room is your home theater room and other things take place there besides watching movies, just stop. If your home theater room and living room are one and the same, there is even greater incentive for you to address the room's lighting. Your living room is a multi-purpose room. When your friends come to visit, that is where you congregate. You read your books in your favorite chair, which is in the living room. Your family gets together to play board games or even just to talk in the living room. On top of these and anything else that goes on in your living room, you watch your movies there. How nice would it be if you could adjust the lights to create the perfect reading atmosphere around your favorite chair? Or how would you like to make a very inclusive and personal setting for spending time with loved ones? Even doing something as simple as creating a relaxing, cozy environment after coming home from work can be accomplished by changing the lighting conditions of a room. Proper lighting will provide you with the means to create all of this in your living room. Home theater lighting can easily be tailored in order to take the work out of finding the perfect setting for each light in the room every time you want to watch a movie. A central lighting control allows you to change the intensity of the all lights in a room from a single location. Some of the more sophisticated learning remote controls can actually activate your favorite lighting conditions with the push of a button. As you can see, lighting is vital to the effectiveness of your home theater system. After being introduced to the possibilities that proper home theater lighting and control provides, it will be hard for you to ignore it any longer. You've taken the time, effort, and expense of creating a home theater system for a reason. Finish the job with proper lighting and create a truly enjoyable viewing experience.
miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012
What Flowers Are to be Offered on What Occasion
The language of flowers as a gift
A bouquet is always a delicate way to please someone, not just on Valentine's Day. Why not choose the appropriate flowers to offer to someone?
Whether you send flowers or you offer them yourself, your bouquet will be more valuable to the person to whom you intend to offer it if it sends a message. Feel free to attach a small card explaining what you meant by your gesture. If everyone knows the meaning of an armful of red roses, other flowers and other colors are more mysterious.
How to choose the color
Red is the color of passion and violent feelings. Scarlet roses are perfect for a declaration of love.
Pink evokes affection and kindness. Pink flowers will be offered to a friend, a grandmother, to any person for whom you feel affection.
White is the symbol of purity, virginity and also expresses elegance and refinement, as well as admiration. White flowers and in general all pale shades are perfect for a young girl.
The yellow color of the sun reflects joy and happiness, just like orange. They transmit joy and the joy to share things with someone else.
Purple symbolizes stealth and deep feelings. It may also evoke pain and grief.
Blue is the color of love unless it is very dark. In this case, it is a painful memory.
Red roses are the secret if you want to declare your love, your passion! There should be an odd number of flowers in a bouquet if there are less than 10 flowers, otherwise, there should be an even number of flowers. But if you are crazy about her (or him, why not - we are in the twenty-first century), offer her (or him) a bouquet comprising of 36 red roses. And if you are shy, a mixed bouquet will do the talking for you.
Other flowers and other colors will then refine your message.
Here are some clear messages:
Violet: Someone is in love with you, but it is a secret.
Pink and white lilies and camellias: You are the best, I admire you.
Yellow roses: I beg your pardon (infidelity) or I give you my forgiveness.
Myosotis: I think of you. Do not forget me.
White eyelet: I am loyal.
Chrysanthemums: Our love ends.
Sweet William: I am your slave.
Blueberry: I love you in silence.
Hydrangea: Is there any hope?
Thrush: Happiness is back.
Why do people offer flowers?
You may send flowers cheap to wish a sick person a speedy recovery (the flowers must be removed at night) or to honor a person at their funeral. They can be offered to thank someone after a dinner or a pleasant time or to congratulate a new mother after childbirth.
It is a good idea to embellish the decorations in an invitation. It is so fashionable to ask the recipient what flowers or what color scheme would suit her. A flower bouquet can also signify apologies if it is offered personally. And finally, you can offer someone a bouquet whenever you want to please them for whatever reason.
jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012
Microdermabrasion Dermabrasion
Skin rejuvenation with microdermabrasion
Every day our skin is under attack. The environment has various aggressive substances in our bodies and our skin: skin problems and skin imperfections such as bad skin, oily skin, dry skin, pigmentation problems, acne, acne scars and stretch marks and create cellulite, ... - All this can be gently and effectively removed by microdermabrasion treatment.
The cosmetic procedure of microdermabrasion helps to give your skin a youthful and fresh appearance again. The treatment is also very relaxing.
What is Microdermabrasion Dermabrasion?
The Microdermabrasion is a treatment with a special air pressure system.
Dermabrasion is often used for the treatment of scars resulting from injury or surgery using a machine with a rotating wheel. The anesthetized skin is abraded.
Because dermabrasion penetrates into the deeper skin layers, the skin needs a much longer time to recover than after a microdermabrasion ( MDA ), in which one hour after the treatment, you can already go out and party.
Microdermabrasion Treatment Procedure
A special air system fine microcrystals are sputtered on the skin. The pores are cleansed, and the top layers of skin are gently removed. The warm steam stimulates the skin cells to increase activity and to form various fresh cells.
During treatment, your skin is first cleaned and prepared with a light exfoliation. After steaming and deep cleansing, your skin is gently massaged and is given a final cleaning with a soothing concentrated agent.
The following skin problems can be treated with microdermabrasion:
• blemished skin, oily skin, dry skin and sensitive skin
• scars, acne scars and acne, especially in late acne
• small wrinkles, especially on the lip
• Light and sun damage skin
• pigmentation problems and birthmarks
• horny skin
• stretch marks, stretch marks and cellulite
• large pore skin
The gentle grinding of the upper layers of the cornea activates the self-healing mechanism of the skin, revealing fresh, and soon the original natural beauty of your healthy skin.
How many treatments are needed?
Pamper yourself regularly with a cosmetic microdermabrasion.Find more advice at repeated application, the cell structure of your skin can be improved. It can become more resilient.
Of course, the treatment is completely painless and is performed by our skin specialists. The more often you can perform a microdermabrasion, the better and more uniform is the result.
martes, 24 de abril de 2012
Classic Gymnastics
At first glance, it seems as if the gym staff lost their appeal for exercise. More modern sports and exercise equipment are often preferred in the gym. The almost forgotten but excellent gymnastic bar is suitable for modern health training as it is versatile and offers many movement possibilities. The staff prepares dynamic individual exercises or tries to establish a communicative connection with fun partners and promotes work in groups.
The functional bar can be used in exercises for strength, for mobilization and coordination. A gymnastic bar is a great little device even in combination with other small devices or as a tool for learning back-friendly exercises. Sit up benches are pieces of equipment used in classic gymnastics.
The following different forms of exercise with the bar are divided into individual, partner and group exercises. All suggested exercises can be done to lively music. This stimulates the motivation and willingness to practice.
Individual exercises
Participants can either form a circle or move back and forth around the gym. The following exercises are proposed for dynamic strengthening and for training of the coordination skills, depending on the combination and intensity of each exercise. Some of these individual exercises are easy to remember due to their similarity with familiar movements. Thus, the individual movements are understood and recognized better.
Exercises to improve your mobility:
With the bar in motion:
Each participant has a bar in their hands. The bar is:
1) Circled around the body (roundabout)
2) Supported on the body (paddle steamer)
3) Circled vertically in front of the body (cooking food)
4) Moved to the left and right (boxes)
5) Supported to the back and turned with the knees touching each other (majorettes)
6) Canoed (left - right and vertical movements)
7) Used as a barbell (beach muscle training)
8) Pushed back over the head (cheering), held vertically and laterally, moved back and forth by the upper end and placed laterally next to the body
9) Perpendicular to the body before moving (marching band)
10) Held horizontally and rotated (wool wrap) between the palms and fingers (fire)
Note: All exercises can be combined with matching leg movements for better results (e.g. walking, running, side steps, etc.). Rhythmic music promotes dynamism and motivation.
Throw and catch the bar
Each participant has a bar in their hands.
The bar is...
Thrown up vertically with one hand and caught by the lower end.
Variation: Clap your hands before catching the bar horizontally and throw the bar vertically by the lower end, then slide it and throw it again.
Variation: Release the bar completely and start again with the other hand. Hold your hands to the back at first and then to the front with two rods placed on the arms. Move slightly so that the bar rolls over the back of the hand. Catch the bar before it falls to the ground.
Variation: Types of handle - the Ristgriff handle. Grab it with one hand in the middle vertically or horizontally and rotate it around the transverse axis (propeller). Hold it horizontally, release it and catch it again. Sit up benches will guide you in staying fit. You can begin by using a gym bench.
Keep the bar in balance
Each participant has a bar in their hands. The bar is poised on the fingers.
Variation: Perform additional tasks such as sit down and get up on a palm.
Variation: Change the palms through a short toss from the right to the left.
Variation: Kick the bar with the foot and keep a hand on the back.
Variation: Keep it horizontal on the head.
The rod is placed on the ground vertically and released. Do the following things before catching it again:
swing a leg over the bar;
slap your thighs three times;
rotate your whole body;
stand on the other side.
The functional bar can be used in exercises for strength, for mobilization and coordination. A gymnastic bar is a great little device even in combination with other small devices or as a tool for learning back-friendly exercises. Sit up benches are pieces of equipment used in classic gymnastics.
The following different forms of exercise with the bar are divided into individual, partner and group exercises. All suggested exercises can be done to lively music. This stimulates the motivation and willingness to practice.
Individual exercises
Participants can either form a circle or move back and forth around the gym. The following exercises are proposed for dynamic strengthening and for training of the coordination skills, depending on the combination and intensity of each exercise. Some of these individual exercises are easy to remember due to their similarity with familiar movements. Thus, the individual movements are understood and recognized better.
Exercises to improve your mobility:
With the bar in motion:
Each participant has a bar in their hands. The bar is:
1) Circled around the body (roundabout)
2) Supported on the body (paddle steamer)
3) Circled vertically in front of the body (cooking food)
4) Moved to the left and right (boxes)
5) Supported to the back and turned with the knees touching each other (majorettes)
6) Canoed (left - right and vertical movements)
7) Used as a barbell (beach muscle training)
8) Pushed back over the head (cheering), held vertically and laterally, moved back and forth by the upper end and placed laterally next to the body
9) Perpendicular to the body before moving (marching band)
10) Held horizontally and rotated (wool wrap) between the palms and fingers (fire)
Note: All exercises can be combined with matching leg movements for better results (e.g. walking, running, side steps, etc.). Rhythmic music promotes dynamism and motivation.
Throw and catch the bar
Each participant has a bar in their hands.
The bar is...
Thrown up vertically with one hand and caught by the lower end.
Variation: Clap your hands before catching the bar horizontally and throw the bar vertically by the lower end, then slide it and throw it again.
Variation: Release the bar completely and start again with the other hand. Hold your hands to the back at first and then to the front with two rods placed on the arms. Move slightly so that the bar rolls over the back of the hand. Catch the bar before it falls to the ground.
Variation: Types of handle - the Ristgriff handle. Grab it with one hand in the middle vertically or horizontally and rotate it around the transverse axis (propeller). Hold it horizontally, release it and catch it again. Sit up benches will guide you in staying fit. You can begin by using a gym bench.
Keep the bar in balance
Each participant has a bar in their hands. The bar is poised on the fingers.
Variation: Perform additional tasks such as sit down and get up on a palm.
Variation: Change the palms through a short toss from the right to the left.
Variation: Kick the bar with the foot and keep a hand on the back.
Variation: Keep it horizontal on the head.
The rod is placed on the ground vertically and released. Do the following things before catching it again:
swing a leg over the bar;
slap your thighs three times;
rotate your whole body;
stand on the other side.
miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012
Phishing Scams with Neteller
Neteller is one of the most senior and most widely used payment methods in online casinos. The company has a perfect reputation and is renowned for its integrity. Recently, however, people have used the name of Neteller to get private and financial information of the users.
However, Neteller's reputation has not been affected, but this shameful deed is a warning for players in online casinos to avoid any careless provision of their personal information. Neteller attracted the leading players in the gaming industry of online casinos a few years ago. It had numerous account holders that used its services for making deposits at online casinos and online poker rooms. The UIGEA was passed in the second half of 2006. According to it, online casinos and poker games were found to be unlawful. This is common during online casino tournaments.
All financial institutions were forced to prevent deposits to casinos. Rather than jeopardize the global operation through the involvement in legal cases in the United States, Neteller decided to abandon the U.S. market. During this time, Neteller worked with funds deposited by American users. After a delay, Neteller paid its debt with the help of a distribution plan that was approved by the government. Recently, the Association of Offshore Gambling has reported that unknown people have staged a fraud and abused of this company name. They were suspected to be undercover representatives of Neteller that kept in touch with the former account holders in the United States of America. They said that additional amounts were paid to the former owners of the accounts. These payments could only be made if some private financial information in was obtained. Thus, phishing scams were applied to get personal information that could be collected and used later on. Neteller was aware of this and responded quickly. The company turned to all former account holders and calculated their revenue based on the approved distribution plan. Always be careful with online casino tournaments as some things just happen quickly.
Neteller only came back on track in July of last year. It appears that the perpetrators of this fraud have partially succeeded. Also, the numerous warnings on the internet and the security measures taken served for nothing. Players fell victims to their greed despite all of these precautions. Fortunately, conscientious contemporaries passed the message and succeeded in stopping these villains.
All financial institutions were forced to prevent deposits to casinos. Rather than jeopardize the global operation through the involvement in legal cases in the United States, Neteller decided to abandon the U.S. market. During this time, Neteller worked with funds deposited by American users. After a delay, Neteller paid its debt with the help of a distribution plan that was approved by the government. Recently, the Association of Offshore Gambling has reported that unknown people have staged a fraud and abused of this company name. They were suspected to be undercover representatives of Neteller that kept in touch with the former account holders in the United States of America. They said that additional amounts were paid to the former owners of the accounts. These payments could only be made if some private financial information in was obtained. Thus, phishing scams were applied to get personal information that could be collected and used later on. Neteller was aware of this and responded quickly. The company turned to all former account holders and calculated their revenue based on the approved distribution plan. Always be careful with online casino tournaments as some things just happen quickly.
Neteller only came back on track in July of last year. It appears that the perpetrators of this fraud have partially succeeded. Also, the numerous warnings on the internet and the security measures taken served for nothing. Players fell victims to their greed despite all of these precautions. Fortunately, conscientious contemporaries passed the message and succeeded in stopping these villains.
miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012
The Adoption of a Shelter Dog
Dogs in shelters have often had a painful past with humans. It needs a lot of confidence, patience and often a lot of time. Behaviorist Sylvia Chant advises you on the right attitude toward a dog at the beginning of a new life together.
Adopting an abandoned pet and providing a better life for such a pet is very generous and big. People often choose to take care of puppies that have lacked affection and give them all their love.

Take a closer look at the dog standing by your side and you will notice how your new companion perceives these outpourings of affection, the caresses and the attention you provide.
Try to understand its canine reality and what the dog has lived during its stay at the shelter and define its real needs when you welcome it in its new surroundings. The dog has a personal history regardless of its age, just like any other living being.
Unfortunately, the causes of discontinuation are often the same: poor early development of the dog, which causes adjustment difficulties, poor knowledge of their needs, no dog ticks treatment, an unsuitable lifestyle, animal abuse and so on. Dogs often have a lot of difficult experiences when living in a shelter.
Abandoned animals placed in a shelter lose their bearings, their sense of attachment to other living beings (human or animal) and need a familiar environment. They must adapt to the whereabouts of their unknown two-legged caregivers, volunteers, visitors and to their four-legged companions.
Their perception of pheromones throws them into a universe filled with fear, tension, misfortune and a feeling of insecurity that cause them to experience a state of anxiety.
Dogs often lack outlets despite all the attention and care taken by the shelter staff. Life in the shelter is marked by the lack of some social gains such as cleanliness and trust in humans. Some dogs are able to adapt to this environment to a certain extent, while others live in constant stress. Therefore, you should reconsider the real needs of an animal taken from the shelter.
First of all, you need to increase the confidence of such a dog but not suffocate it with affection (the animal may feel attacked in such situations) and thus develop a quiet and peaceful relationship. Its basket should be placed in a quiet place where it can rest undisturbed.
It should be fed at fixed times and children should not invade their space during playtime. Furthermore, it should be taken for daily walks. A dog always needs to explore and sniff around in the garden or so, such stimuli being essential for its balance. You should always remember that your companion really needs a shelter!
Be kind to it. It must adjust to its new life and this is not always easy. You need to teach it the rules of life in its new home and this requires patience and perseverance.
Do not recur to punishments because they only exacerbate its anxiety. Also remember that you need to be available to help your dog adjust. It may be anxious about being alone in an unfamiliar place, so there must be a period of gradual habituation to solitude.
You can get help from a behaviorist, who will guide you and advise you on how to accommodate your new best friend.
Dogs love caresses and hugs and being tickled gently under the neck or on the side. Take time to observe your dog, to see its reactions when you pet it. Some dogs do not enjoy physical contact. Their decision must be respected if so. They should never be "forced". However, others seem to rub on you, move about, lie down, push your hand, lick you and so on...
Beware of false interpretations! Excessive agitation when caressing the dog reflects in tensions. You only feed the fuss and stress if you extend these emotional outpourings.
So stay balanced in your interactions with your dog, when playing with it or when petting it. This will help it adapt better and make it feel safe and more confident. You can do this with a lot of hugs!
And if you feel any frustration, tell yourself that this is the best gift for your dog!
Adopting an abandoned pet and providing a better life for such a pet is very generous and big. People often choose to take care of puppies that have lacked affection and give them all their love.
Take a closer look at the dog standing by your side and you will notice how your new companion perceives these outpourings of affection, the caresses and the attention you provide.
Try to understand its canine reality and what the dog has lived during its stay at the shelter and define its real needs when you welcome it in its new surroundings. The dog has a personal history regardless of its age, just like any other living being.
Unfortunately, the causes of discontinuation are often the same: poor early development of the dog, which causes adjustment difficulties, poor knowledge of their needs, no dog ticks treatment, an unsuitable lifestyle, animal abuse and so on. Dogs often have a lot of difficult experiences when living in a shelter.
Abandoned animals placed in a shelter lose their bearings, their sense of attachment to other living beings (human or animal) and need a familiar environment. They must adapt to the whereabouts of their unknown two-legged caregivers, volunteers, visitors and to their four-legged companions.
Their perception of pheromones throws them into a universe filled with fear, tension, misfortune and a feeling of insecurity that cause them to experience a state of anxiety.
Dogs often lack outlets despite all the attention and care taken by the shelter staff. Life in the shelter is marked by the lack of some social gains such as cleanliness and trust in humans. Some dogs are able to adapt to this environment to a certain extent, while others live in constant stress. Therefore, you should reconsider the real needs of an animal taken from the shelter.
First of all, you need to increase the confidence of such a dog but not suffocate it with affection (the animal may feel attacked in such situations) and thus develop a quiet and peaceful relationship. Its basket should be placed in a quiet place where it can rest undisturbed.
It should be fed at fixed times and children should not invade their space during playtime. Furthermore, it should be taken for daily walks. A dog always needs to explore and sniff around in the garden or so, such stimuli being essential for its balance. You should always remember that your companion really needs a shelter!
Be kind to it. It must adjust to its new life and this is not always easy. You need to teach it the rules of life in its new home and this requires patience and perseverance.
Do not recur to punishments because they only exacerbate its anxiety. Also remember that you need to be available to help your dog adjust. It may be anxious about being alone in an unfamiliar place, so there must be a period of gradual habituation to solitude.
You can get help from a behaviorist, who will guide you and advise you on how to accommodate your new best friend.
Dogs love caresses and hugs and being tickled gently under the neck or on the side. Take time to observe your dog, to see its reactions when you pet it. Some dogs do not enjoy physical contact. Their decision must be respected if so. They should never be "forced". However, others seem to rub on you, move about, lie down, push your hand, lick you and so on...
Beware of false interpretations! Excessive agitation when caressing the dog reflects in tensions. You only feed the fuss and stress if you extend these emotional outpourings.
So stay balanced in your interactions with your dog, when playing with it or when petting it. This will help it adapt better and make it feel safe and more confident. You can do this with a lot of hugs!
And if you feel any frustration, tell yourself that this is the best gift for your dog!
viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012
Peppermint: Proven Home Remedies for Nausea and Vomiting
Peppermint, commonly known as a precious mint, English mint, garden mint or Teeminze, belongs to the shooting stars of the medicinal plants. In recent times, the essential oil of peppermint, externally applied, is used as a headache remedy. The traditional internal use of herbs as a gastrointestinal agent winds up a little forgotten. Completely wrong, as we find!
That, which grows normally as peppermint in our gardens, is in fact a hybrid of several mint species. The mint was discovered and cultivated in the 17th century in England. Today there are several subspecies. Their wild cousins are cultivated hybrids in terms of aroma and taste far superior. For medical use even more significant: plants from peppermint crops contain more active ingredients as free-living species, in particular essential oil (such as menthol), flavonoids, tannins and bitter principles. For this reason, only cultivated plants are used for medicinal purposes nowadays.
The experience of medicine has always had the right touch for the peppermint herb. She put the leaves of the peppermint traditionally as a stomach medicine - especially with nausea, vomiting or acute vomiting. This medical use of the medicinal plant to date has not lost its topicality. Modern science cannot explain even today, most effects of peppermint in the stomach and intestine. Ingredients of peppermint, the research shows antispasmodic effect on the muscles of the gastro-intestinal tract and make sure that pent-up air can easily escape from the body. In addition, peppermint leaves stimulate the bile flow, promoting the release of gastric juices and stimulate the appetite. In short, the active ingredients of peppermint a sweeping blow in the stomach and intestines, causing nausea and vomiting usually after a short time, cut the foundation.
Preparation mint tea
If you want to use the Healing Power of the peppermint for the stomach and bowel, you can - in addition to drug products - set entirely on the good old mint tea! And here is how it is prepared: 1 tablespoon dried mint leaves (for example, from pharmacy, drug store or health food store) with a cup of boiling water. After ten minutes strain, and a cup may be taken several times a day.
Note: If you suffer from chronic stomach problems, you should abandon the permanent use of peppermint tea. Due to the high menthol content of the tea, it is not so well tolerated. More suitable is a mixture of tea, with equal parts of peppermint leaves and chamomile flowers.
Nausea during Ovulation
You want a baby? Well then go for it! Basically, it is advantageous when trying to get pregnant to use the fertile period perfectly. That is also the exact time of ovulation to determine thereby increasing the chances of the desired pregnancy.
We are constantly telling women about the fact that they notice it when the ovulation is therefore very secure, but this seventh sense is not everyone in the cradle. One sign of ovulation may be nausea. Often, however, the nausea is only a corollary of the other symptoms of ovulation felt. If you are scared now, we can only say, do not worry. You have to feel the ovulation, it is sufficient if it is just there to annoy without you. Normally, this nausea goes off again quite quickly and ovulation does not occur in every cycle. It would be better, however, to consult their doctor to see if the nausea is not yet a sign of other problems in the body.
Other Causes
The causes of nausea are usually drug side effects, poisoning, unusual irritation of the vestibular system or stomach upsets. However, often solve psychological factors, such as from excitement or fear the nausea. The unpleasant irritation in the stomach associated with nausea, the feeling in their subsequent addition in most cases disappears for the time being.
Not everyone should be equal access to pharmaceutical agents that can be bought at the pharmacy. These are usually antihistamines, antiemetics, or neuroleptics. Especially popular is the active ingredient dimenhydrinate, which brings the gastro-intestinal tract to rest and take the nausea. Such means should only be used if the symptoms last longer and cannot fight.
Various home remedies provide relief:
Even fresh air to breathe and the body thereby provide relaxation, is helpful in some cases. Also helpful is drinking lukewarm water, which was enriched with salt brine, as it gives the body plenty of minerals. Particularly plant extracts provide fast recovery and are also easier to digest. Fennel, cumin, ginger and peppermint, which are best consumed as a tea in small sips, calm the stomach and take the nausea. Essential oils such as dill, yarrow, coriander, savory or tarragon relieve the symptoms when they come in fragrance lamp, ointments or steam baths are used.
On chamomile should rather be omitted - it relieves spasmodic or inflammatory gastrointestinal complaints dram - foams, however, in the stomach and is therefore not suitable for nausea. Next you should be sure to exercise, alcohol, spicy, hot or greasy food and do without. It is very important to drink enough, enough water and if possible teas. In addition, you should make sure that you have a meal in small portions eats.
That, which grows normally as peppermint in our gardens, is in fact a hybrid of several mint species. The mint was discovered and cultivated in the 17th century in England. Today there are several subspecies. Their wild cousins are cultivated hybrids in terms of aroma and taste far superior. For medical use even more significant: plants from peppermint crops contain more active ingredients as free-living species, in particular essential oil (such as menthol), flavonoids, tannins and bitter principles. For this reason, only cultivated plants are used for medicinal purposes nowadays.
The experience of medicine has always had the right touch for the peppermint herb. She put the leaves of the peppermint traditionally as a stomach medicine - especially with nausea, vomiting or acute vomiting. This medical use of the medicinal plant to date has not lost its topicality. Modern science cannot explain even today, most effects of peppermint in the stomach and intestine. Ingredients of peppermint, the research shows antispasmodic effect on the muscles of the gastro-intestinal tract and make sure that pent-up air can easily escape from the body. In addition, peppermint leaves stimulate the bile flow, promoting the release of gastric juices and stimulate the appetite. In short, the active ingredients of peppermint a sweeping blow in the stomach and intestines, causing nausea and vomiting usually after a short time, cut the foundation.
Preparation mint tea
If you want to use the Healing Power of the peppermint for the stomach and bowel, you can - in addition to drug products - set entirely on the good old mint tea! And here is how it is prepared: 1 tablespoon dried mint leaves (for example, from pharmacy, drug store or health food store) with a cup of boiling water. After ten minutes strain, and a cup may be taken several times a day.
Note: If you suffer from chronic stomach problems, you should abandon the permanent use of peppermint tea. Due to the high menthol content of the tea, it is not so well tolerated. More suitable is a mixture of tea, with equal parts of peppermint leaves and chamomile flowers.
Nausea during Ovulation
You want a baby? Well then go for it! Basically, it is advantageous when trying to get pregnant to use the fertile period perfectly. That is also the exact time of ovulation to determine thereby increasing the chances of the desired pregnancy.
We are constantly telling women about the fact that they notice it when the ovulation is therefore very secure, but this seventh sense is not everyone in the cradle. One sign of ovulation may be nausea. Often, however, the nausea is only a corollary of the other symptoms of ovulation felt. If you are scared now, we can only say, do not worry. You have to feel the ovulation, it is sufficient if it is just there to annoy without you. Normally, this nausea goes off again quite quickly and ovulation does not occur in every cycle. It would be better, however, to consult their doctor to see if the nausea is not yet a sign of other problems in the body.
Other Causes
The causes of nausea are usually drug side effects, poisoning, unusual irritation of the vestibular system or stomach upsets. However, often solve psychological factors, such as from excitement or fear the nausea. The unpleasant irritation in the stomach associated with nausea, the feeling in their subsequent addition in most cases disappears for the time being.
Not everyone should be equal access to pharmaceutical agents that can be bought at the pharmacy. These are usually antihistamines, antiemetics, or neuroleptics. Especially popular is the active ingredient dimenhydrinate, which brings the gastro-intestinal tract to rest and take the nausea. Such means should only be used if the symptoms last longer and cannot fight.
Various home remedies provide relief:
Even fresh air to breathe and the body thereby provide relaxation, is helpful in some cases. Also helpful is drinking lukewarm water, which was enriched with salt brine, as it gives the body plenty of minerals. Particularly plant extracts provide fast recovery and are also easier to digest. Fennel, cumin, ginger and peppermint, which are best consumed as a tea in small sips, calm the stomach and take the nausea. Essential oils such as dill, yarrow, coriander, savory or tarragon relieve the symptoms when they come in fragrance lamp, ointments or steam baths are used.
On chamomile should rather be omitted - it relieves spasmodic or inflammatory gastrointestinal complaints dram - foams, however, in the stomach and is therefore not suitable for nausea. Next you should be sure to exercise, alcohol, spicy, hot or greasy food and do without. It is very important to drink enough, enough water and if possible teas. In addition, you should make sure that you have a meal in small portions eats.
viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012
Play Roulette for Free
The number of casinos increases with each passing day so that you can play roulette everywhere now. They all try to outdo each other with crazy deals and lucrative bonuses in an attempt to convince you to play with them. You can also stay at home and play without having to go to a casino. You may also want to invest your money. Do you have no money left of the wages and you feel that you need to do something to remedy the situation? Well you can satisfy your craving by playing a little roulette for free.
There are many advantages associated with playing roulette for free so most online casinos offer this opportunity to attract customers. They want to show you what nice casinos they are and how smooth and easy it is to play roulette for free. A player may not be a fan in their everyday life but this game is great as a pastime. They can choose a casino eventually and start playing for real money. It is always recommended to try playing roulette for free before throwing yourself under fire. Thus you can determine whether everything works as it should and whether the casino is right for you.

Play roulette for free
All reputable online casinos offer you the opportunity to play roulette for free. This version involves no bets and thus no profits. You play with play money instead of real money. Why should you play with virtual money? Where is the tension? Admittedly, the excitement factor is low, but this is a great way to test your skills. You might want to test what bet suits you best. Are you a player who wants to watches the wheel or you just pick a number and bet on it? Do you want to play with neighbors and comics or just follow the numbers you have a feeling for? You can answer all these questions. The game of roulette is mainly about fun. A casino is serious (which they are hopefully) if they return half your bet on red, on zero, if payments are made in accordance with the international casino rules and so on. Test Finale, Figeroa, Star and all the other systems you can find.
Choose the right online casino
The game of roulette is the same wherever you play it, but the layout and the betting options may differ in some of the best roulette casinos. Thus, you have a great opportunity to try out what suits you. Do you want a flashy casino or do you want a little more select one? Do you want to play by yourself or do you want to play alongside others? Do you want to play against the computer or against a live dealer? These are all questions that have their answers in the jungle of casinos available out there in cyberspace. Some casinos also offer French roulette so you can see what such a table looks like. The rules are not identical with those of European roulette but it might be fun to learn how to play French roulette, too.
There are many advantages associated with playing roulette for free so most online casinos offer this opportunity to attract customers. They want to show you what nice casinos they are and how smooth and easy it is to play roulette for free. A player may not be a fan in their everyday life but this game is great as a pastime. They can choose a casino eventually and start playing for real money. It is always recommended to try playing roulette for free before throwing yourself under fire. Thus you can determine whether everything works as it should and whether the casino is right for you.
viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012
Vitamins: Their Functions and the Best Sources
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is highly antioxidant and plays a role in many body functions. It promotes good vision and the growth of bones. It preserves the health of the skin and protects the body against infections.
The best sources of vitamin A are giblets, marinated herring, several vegetables (sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, cabbage, squash) and cantaloupe.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
Vitamin B1 is necessary for the production of energy and participates in the transmission of nerve impulses as well as growth.
The best sources of vitamin B1 are whole grain products, some vegetables and fruits (orange, green peas), legumes and pork and offal.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
Vitamin B2 plays a role in the production of energy. It is also involved in the production of red blood cells and hormones. It also plays a role in the growth and repair of tissues.
The best sources of vitamin B2: grain products, poultry, mollusks, leafy green vegetables, dairy products, eggs, nuts and seeds.
Vitamin B3 (niacin)
Vitamin B3 contributes to the production of energy. It also plays a role in the development of the DNA (genetic material).
The best sources of vitamin B3: grain products, fish (tuna, cod, salmon, etc...), meat and poultry (liver, chicken roast, breaded veal, etc.) and peanuts.
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
Vitamin B5 is involved in the production and regulation of neurotransmitters (messengers of nerve impulses) and the functioning of the adrenal glands. It plays a role in the formation of hemoglobin, skin and mucous membranes.
The best sources of vitamin B5: meat, bran cereal, salmon and cod, eggs, giblets, sunflower seeds and mushrooms.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

The role of vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the psychic equilibrium by acting on the neurotransmitters (serotonin, melatonin, dopamine). Pyridoxine also contributes to many other body functions, including red blood cell formation, regulation of blood sugar levels and maintenance of a good immune system.
The best sources of vitamin B6: turkey and chicken, fish (tuna, salmon, cod), chickpeas, fortified cereals, liver, potatoes and sesame and sunflower seeds.
Vitamin B8 (biotin)
Vitamin B8 is necessary for the transformation of several compounds, including glucose and fat.
The best sources of vitamin B8: liver and offal, fish, soybeans and other legumes, cauliflower, egg yolk, nuts and seeds and whole grains.
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
Vitamin B9 is "the vitamin of pregnant women" because it has a protective effect against neural tube birth defects. It is involved in the production of body cells, including red blood cells. It plays an essential role in the production of DNA and RNA (genetic material), in the functioning of the nervous and immune systems and in healing wounds and sores.
The best sources of vitamin B9: giblets, several vegetables (spinach, asparagus, lettuce, beets and Brussels sprouts), flaxseed and sunflower, legumes and soybeans and fortified cereals.
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
Vitamin B12 is involved in the production of genetic cells and red blood cells. It also ensures the maintenance of nerve cells and tissue.
The best sources of vitamin B12: canned fish and shellfish (clams, tuna, salmon and sardines), meat and poultry, milk, fresh fish and shellfish (oysters, crab, tuna, trout, shrimp, etc...), eggs, soy and enriched rice.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
In addition to its antioxidant properties, vitamin C contributes to the health of bones, cartilage, teeth and gums. It protects against infection, speeds up the healing process and helps with the absorption of iron.
The best sources of vitamin C: vegetables (red pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, beets, etc...) and fruits (oranges, strawberries, kiwis, papayas, mangoes, guavas, etc...)
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for the health of bones and teeth. It allows the use of calcium and phosphorus in the blood for the growth and maintenance of the bone structure, among others. It also plays a role in the maturation of cells, including those of the immune system, and in the maintenance of a good overall health condition.
The best sources of baby vitamin D: fish, rice, milk and yogurt and liver.
Vitamin E
A major antioxidant, vitamin E protects the membrane that surrounds the body cells, especially the red and white blood cells (the immune system). It has anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory properties and thus contributes to a smooth functioning of the heart.
The best sources of vitamin E: almonds, sunflower seeds, canola oil, peanuts, bran cereal, avocado.
Vitamin K
It is involved in the process of blood clotting and the calcification of soft tissue. Vitamin K is also produced by bacteria in the gut.
The best sources of vitamin K: green vegetables (spinach, chard, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, Boston lettuce, green beans, peas), kiwi and seaweed.
Vitamin A is highly antioxidant and plays a role in many body functions. It promotes good vision and the growth of bones. It preserves the health of the skin and protects the body against infections.
The best sources of vitamin A are giblets, marinated herring, several vegetables (sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, cabbage, squash) and cantaloupe.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
Vitamin B1 is necessary for the production of energy and participates in the transmission of nerve impulses as well as growth.
The best sources of vitamin B1 are whole grain products, some vegetables and fruits (orange, green peas), legumes and pork and offal.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
Vitamin B2 plays a role in the production of energy. It is also involved in the production of red blood cells and hormones. It also plays a role in the growth and repair of tissues.
The best sources of vitamin B2: grain products, poultry, mollusks, leafy green vegetables, dairy products, eggs, nuts and seeds.
Vitamin B3 (niacin)
Vitamin B3 contributes to the production of energy. It also plays a role in the development of the DNA (genetic material).
The best sources of vitamin B3: grain products, fish (tuna, cod, salmon, etc...), meat and poultry (liver, chicken roast, breaded veal, etc.) and peanuts.
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
Vitamin B5 is involved in the production and regulation of neurotransmitters (messengers of nerve impulses) and the functioning of the adrenal glands. It plays a role in the formation of hemoglobin, skin and mucous membranes.
The best sources of vitamin B5: meat, bran cereal, salmon and cod, eggs, giblets, sunflower seeds and mushrooms.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
The role of vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the psychic equilibrium by acting on the neurotransmitters (serotonin, melatonin, dopamine). Pyridoxine also contributes to many other body functions, including red blood cell formation, regulation of blood sugar levels and maintenance of a good immune system.
The best sources of vitamin B6: turkey and chicken, fish (tuna, salmon, cod), chickpeas, fortified cereals, liver, potatoes and sesame and sunflower seeds.
Vitamin B8 (biotin)
Vitamin B8 is necessary for the transformation of several compounds, including glucose and fat.
The best sources of vitamin B8: liver and offal, fish, soybeans and other legumes, cauliflower, egg yolk, nuts and seeds and whole grains.
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
Vitamin B9 is "the vitamin of pregnant women" because it has a protective effect against neural tube birth defects. It is involved in the production of body cells, including red blood cells. It plays an essential role in the production of DNA and RNA (genetic material), in the functioning of the nervous and immune systems and in healing wounds and sores.
The best sources of vitamin B9: giblets, several vegetables (spinach, asparagus, lettuce, beets and Brussels sprouts), flaxseed and sunflower, legumes and soybeans and fortified cereals.
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
Vitamin B12 is involved in the production of genetic cells and red blood cells. It also ensures the maintenance of nerve cells and tissue.
The best sources of vitamin B12: canned fish and shellfish (clams, tuna, salmon and sardines), meat and poultry, milk, fresh fish and shellfish (oysters, crab, tuna, trout, shrimp, etc...), eggs, soy and enriched rice.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
In addition to its antioxidant properties, vitamin C contributes to the health of bones, cartilage, teeth and gums. It protects against infection, speeds up the healing process and helps with the absorption of iron.
The best sources of vitamin C: vegetables (red pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, beets, etc...) and fruits (oranges, strawberries, kiwis, papayas, mangoes, guavas, etc...)
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for the health of bones and teeth. It allows the use of calcium and phosphorus in the blood for the growth and maintenance of the bone structure, among others. It also plays a role in the maturation of cells, including those of the immune system, and in the maintenance of a good overall health condition.
The best sources of baby vitamin D: fish, rice, milk and yogurt and liver.
Vitamin E
A major antioxidant, vitamin E protects the membrane that surrounds the body cells, especially the red and white blood cells (the immune system). It has anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory properties and thus contributes to a smooth functioning of the heart.
The best sources of vitamin E: almonds, sunflower seeds, canola oil, peanuts, bran cereal, avocado.
Vitamin K
It is involved in the process of blood clotting and the calcification of soft tissue. Vitamin K is also produced by bacteria in the gut.
The best sources of vitamin K: green vegetables (spinach, chard, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, Boston lettuce, green beans, peas), kiwi and seaweed.
martes, 6 de marzo de 2012
Everything about Pool Enclosures
How to choose a pool cover
Choosing a pool enclosure is far from easy. A shelter is a major purchase. Its price can reach that of the pool, so this is a real investment. The cover is expected to optimize the use of the pool, but it may become a constraint instead. Therefore, you should take into account the different aspects that should govern your choice in order not to be wrong and waste your money.
1) Objectives and priorities
All shelters may be in accordance with the regulations and respond to the requirements of pool safety law, but not all provide the same functionality and performance. It is essential to understand your goals and prioritize them to choose your pool enclosure as you would choose between a small city car, a family sedan, a 4x4, etc. There is a broad range of types of pool enclosures and technologies: low or high, fixed or sliding, removable or telescopic, retractable or collapsible, made of aluminum or wood... The choice range is vast. Make sure you choose the cover that really suits you.
2) Pool water heating and swim time optimization
The rise in temperature of the water depends mainly on two parameters:
- The height of the cover, therefore the volume of air in the cover: the higher the cover and the volume of air to be heated, the higher the gains in temperature.
- Thermal insulation: The polycarbonate acts as double glazing. The blade of air contained in its cells can limit the heat exchange between the "heated" air from inside the cover and the outside air, especially during the coldest hours of the night, while the (single glazing) walls easily escape the heat collected during the day. Finally, the quality of the insulation depends directly on the thickness of the polycarbonate layer. The standard is 8 mm for low covers and 10 mm for high covers.
Yes. A low cover retains 100% more cellular heat (7-10 ° C) than a high enclosure with single-glazed walls (+5 to 8 ° C), which allows you to swim all year round if you heat the water or the air. Similarly, 100% transparent covers are very unobtrusive visually, but are ineffective thermally.
3) Convenience of the cover
The first quality a pool cover must have is to be easy to handle. It should allow you to optimize the use of your pool not make things more complicated! Therefore, check the different types of covers and choose the one that best suit your needs and the specifics of your pool.
First of all, a cover should be easy to open and close. Would you be able to fully retract your cover during the hottest period of the summer in order to enjoy your pool? In this case, you must choose either a removable bottom cover or a telescopic one.
Two concepts are important: the weight and the footprint when you close an in-ground pool. The higher a cover, the heavier it is. On the other hand, your pool may be wide, so sections of the roof structure will need to cover it. And of course, a heavier cover is more difficult to handle. So unless you are very brave, you should choose a high telescopic enclosure. Also remember that, unfortunately, we do not remain forever young and you will be using your cover many years from now, so it would be better to choose an easy to handle cover from the start. Then you can attach a motor to it later on if necessary.
4) Quality
Like on all markets, you can also find Rolls Royces and CVs at the same prices! The same goes for pool covers. So be very careful because two apparently identical shelters may have different origins and extremely disparate qualities. Take the time to learn, compare, ask around, create a pre-selected list of references and do not hesitate to make direct contact with several existing customers to check the info you have got. Avoid buying your pool cover on a state fair because contrary to the popular belief, the prices are generally no lower, but you are tempted to buy in haste. Always ask your "seller" if the manufacturer, assembler, importer or retailer can be contacted. Ask for certificates to check whether the cover complies with the safety standards.
5) Aesthetics
Some would tell you that practical pool covers this usually degrade the aesthetics of the pool! Of course, this is not true as there are a multitude of choices in terms of shape, height or color. Therefore, you will find a pool cover that fits your pool seamlessly into while also responding perfectly to your needs. Simply find the cover that suits you and your pool.
Good luck shopping!
miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012
The Best Remedy for Nausea
Nausea and Vomiting in Dogs
Vomiting is a cleaning process in the body and should not be hidden. Dogs should eat grass to be better able to vomit. There has been a lot of thought on the exact causes,and probably dogs feel when a stomach "cleaning" is required.
With frequent or persistent vomiting, causes should urgently be researched and treated! Signs are grumbling, rumbling stomach; or the dog howls moans or whimpers, and there is increased salivation.
Side effects
Often vomiting is not a disease or symptom alone, but various other symptoms can occur in parallel and often suggest a specific underlying disease such as loss of appetite, sadness, lethargy, diarrhea, and constipation.
The causes of nausea and vomiting are fear, excitement or stress, poor nutrition, too cold food, swallowing too quickly, too much dietary fat, leftover food, allergies (especially food allergy (contact allergy) type I – response, intestinal parasites such as various worms, irritation by foreign bodies (such as bone fragments from a neighbor or a captured forest dwellers, toys, etc.), Diabetes mellitus, sunstroke, poisoning by pesticides, rat poison, antifreeze, household cleaners, viral infections such as parvo or distemper, stomach ulcers, cancer (often bloody vomit), nervous system, brain tumor, liver or kidney disease, motion sickness while driving.

How to deal with it
Based on the consistency of the vomit, the expert can rule out various causes
It is important to make sure exactly when the dog vomits, as this supports the accurate diagnosis.
Keep Toilet lids closed. When dogs drink from the toilet, they can get dangerous bacteria. The stomach will need to take a rest and eat something in about 24 hours. To dry out to prevent fluid intake are provided sufficient to ensure safe drinking water is readily available. Take food mildly and only slowly and begin when ready. Rice with a little vegetable stock and TVP, oatmeal or finely mashed vegetables pot are ideal. After vomiting, the same foods that caused diarrhea should be cautiously given.
Home and remedies for minor complaints
Vomiting is a cleaning process in the body and should not be hidden. Dogs should eat grass to be better able to vomit. There has been a lot of thought on the exact causes,and probably dogs feel when a stomach "cleaning" is required.
With frequent or persistent vomiting, causes should urgently be researched and treated! Signs are grumbling, rumbling stomach; or the dog howls moans or whimpers, and there is increased salivation.
Side effects
Often vomiting is not a disease or symptom alone, but various other symptoms can occur in parallel and often suggest a specific underlying disease such as loss of appetite, sadness, lethargy, diarrhea, and constipation.
The causes of nausea and vomiting are fear, excitement or stress, poor nutrition, too cold food, swallowing too quickly, too much dietary fat, leftover food, allergies (especially food allergy (contact allergy) type I – response, intestinal parasites such as various worms, irritation by foreign bodies (such as bone fragments from a neighbor or a captured forest dwellers, toys, etc.), Diabetes mellitus, sunstroke, poisoning by pesticides, rat poison, antifreeze, household cleaners, viral infections such as parvo or distemper, stomach ulcers, cancer (often bloody vomit), nervous system, brain tumor, liver or kidney disease, motion sickness while driving.
How to deal with it
Based on the consistency of the vomit, the expert can rule out various causes
It is important to make sure exactly when the dog vomits, as this supports the accurate diagnosis.
Keep Toilet lids closed. When dogs drink from the toilet, they can get dangerous bacteria. The stomach will need to take a rest and eat something in about 24 hours. To dry out to prevent fluid intake are provided sufficient to ensure safe drinking water is readily available. Take food mildly and only slowly and begin when ready. Rice with a little vegetable stock and TVP, oatmeal or finely mashed vegetables pot are ideal. After vomiting, the same foods that caused diarrhea should be cautiously given.
Home and remedies for minor complaints
- For nausea relief: put 8 tablespoons of freshly chopped parsley in a cup of boiling water, boil for five minutes, then strain and stir in a teaspoon of maple syrup. The dog gets this after it cools at a dose of a tablespoon about 6 times per hour.
- Put 4 tablespoons thyme with a cup of boiling water and scald for ten minutes and strain. Give to the after cooling, administer a tablespoon approximately 6 times per hour.
- 4 tablespoons rosemary is poured over a cup of boiling water. Let sit for a whole ten minutes then strain the can, and after cooling, give the dog a tablespoon about 6 times per hour.
- After the initial measures introduced, in later hours Rescue drops can be administered.
lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012
Historical References on the Health Benefits of Wine
Hildegard von Bingen, Paracelsus and Goethe are well-known names of history that discussed on the salutary effect of wine.
Various ancient cultures used wine with additional vegetable matter or pure wine as a narcotic analgesic for sciatica and cardiovascular disorders. Eye disease and bloating were also treated with wine. Last but not least, it was used as a diuretic.
Roman legionnaires drank wine not only after but also during their campaigns. They mixed it with water for a better hygienic quality. Wine was also used as a disinfectant in wound treatment. It was then confirmed that this drink also has some antibacterial effects.
The abbess Hildegard von Bingen was a prophet of the 12th century and a mystic figure of the Middle Ages. He tried to balance the blood, phlegm, black and yellow bile using the healing power of herbs and spices.
Irritability and outbursts of anger, one of the "unhealthy surfeits of black bile", were cured with white wine heated up to the boiling point. This wine was then mixed with water.
The chemist and physician Friedrich Hoffmann, a professor at the Martin Luther University and personal physician of the Prussian King Frederick I, developed the wine cure. The patients participating to his study had to drink half a liter of wine per day in the first week. This dosage was then increased during the treatment, so that in the fifth week they drank six to eight liters of wine per day.
Paracelsus – The wine recipe
Grape cures were in vogue in the American spas of the 16th century, at the time of the alchemist and physician Theophrastus of Hohenheim Bombastus, also known as Paracelsus. Wine was considered to be a healing agent so doctors prescribed certain wines for treatment, but they only recommended their consumption in moderation. Paracelsus said: "All things are poison and there is nothing that contains no poison. The poison lies in the dose."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe published many works on wine. He praised its beneficial properties. In 1829, a sum that accounted for 20 percent of the total expenditure was found in his book budget under the keyword "wine purchase". To summarize using Goethe's words: “Provide care for your dear life”.
Visit for more interestin wine related facts.
The ancient Greeks drank wine to treat pain
Cheers: The tradition to toast using these words was already known among the ancient Greeks. They had 200 places of worship where they drank in the honor of their healing god Asklepios. "Noise" wines were prescribed for the relief of disease symptoms. Hippocrates in 400 BC was already using wine to strengthen patients in the recovery phase, along with tranquilizers and sleeping and anti-headache pills.
Cultures of antiquity
Cultures of antiquity - Wine for sciatica
Various ancient cultures used wine with additional vegetable matter or pure wine as a narcotic analgesic for sciatica and cardiovascular disorders. Eye disease and bloating were also treated with wine. Last but not least, it was used as a diuretic.
Roman legionnaires
Roman legionnaires used wine for hygiene improvement
Roman legionnaires drank wine not only after but also during their campaigns. They mixed it with water for a better hygienic quality. Wine was also used as a disinfectant in wound treatment. It was then confirmed that this drink also has some antibacterial effects.
Hildegard von Bingen
Hildegard von Bingen - Rage against wine
The abbess Hildegard von Bingen was a prophet of the 12th century and a mystic figure of the Middle Ages. He tried to balance the blood, phlegm, black and yellow bile using the healing power of herbs and spices.
Irritability and outbursts of anger, one of the "unhealthy surfeits of black bile", were cured with white wine heated up to the boiling point. This wine was then mixed with water.
Friedrich Hoffmann
Friedrich Hoffmann - More is better
The chemist and physician Friedrich Hoffmann, a professor at the Martin Luther University and personal physician of the Prussian King Frederick I, developed the wine cure. The patients participating to his study had to drink half a liter of wine per day in the first week. This dosage was then increased during the treatment, so that in the fifth week they drank six to eight liters of wine per day.
Paracelsus – The wine recipe
Grape cures were in vogue in the American spas of the 16th century, at the time of the alchemist and physician Theophrastus of Hohenheim Bombastus, also known as Paracelsus. Wine was considered to be a healing agent so doctors prescribed certain wines for treatment, but they only recommended their consumption in moderation. Paracelsus said: "All things are poison and there is nothing that contains no poison. The poison lies in the dose."
Goethe - Wine as inspiration and worries killer
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe published many works on wine. He praised its beneficial properties. In 1829, a sum that accounted for 20 percent of the total expenditure was found in his book budget under the keyword "wine purchase". To summarize using Goethe's words: “Provide care for your dear life”.
Visit for more interestin wine related facts.
martes, 14 de febrero de 2012
Coffee Cultivation
The popular coffee beans are cultivated for coffee. They reach the highest germination level eight weeks after maturity. The beans are planted after the thin skin (parchment) is peeled off. The first leaves of the resulting coffee plant show after six weeks. This process is usually carried out in the nursery because the plant is protected against environmental influences like sunshine. The plants are harvested after eight to ten months. The coffee tree may already measure 30 centimeters in height when replanted. The plants are grown on plantations, where they are trimmed regularly. The coffee tree bears fruit for the first time after three years. Coffee trees reach the maximum yield at the age of ten to twenty years and then the harvest decreases.
Coffee plants shall be harvested once or several times a year, depending on the region. The harvesting of coffee plants can last up to 12 weeks. It should be carried out by hand ("picking") because the quality of the coffee beans is higher. This method is applied especially with the high-quality Coffea Arabica. However, the so-called stripping method is often used for the purpose of time and labor savings, all the fruit of a plant being stripped mechanically.
The last step in coffee production is the removal of the outer pericarp of the coffee beans. The parchment can be removed in two ways: through dry or wet processing. In the former case, the beans are dried until the outer parchment can be removed safely. In the latter, the beans are washed, after which they are freed from the swollen pericarp under running water. What remains is the raw coffee, which can then be packaged and shipped.
Botanically, the coffee plant belongs to the Rubiaceae family. These are plants with a natural growth height of up to four meters. They make white flowers. The most important varieties cultivated are Arabica and Robusta, their economic success being the most relevant.
Arabica has become famous especially due to the strong flavor and the low caffeine content and is now the most frequently consumed type of coffee. Nearly seventy percent of the world's coffee cultivation consists of Arabica plants, which are used especially for making espresso.
The Robusta variety is more profitable than Coffea Arabica, but much more sensitive to cold. However, it is called Robusta because it is resistant to diseases and pests. About thirty percent of the global coffee cultivation consists of Robusta plants.
There are also other not very common plants, for example the rare Excelsa, which is a mutation of the Arabica variety or the West African Stenophylla. The most expensive coffee in the world is the Indonesian Kopi Luwak variety, the taste characteristics of which vary significantly due to the fact that it is transported in the gut of the cat species Luwak, which makes it one of the absolute rarities.
Coffee plants shall be harvested once or several times a year, depending on the region. The harvesting of coffee plants can last up to 12 weeks. It should be carried out by hand ("picking") because the quality of the coffee beans is higher. This method is applied especially with the high-quality Coffea Arabica. However, the so-called stripping method is often used for the purpose of time and labor savings, all the fruit of a plant being stripped mechanically.
The last step in coffee production is the removal of the outer pericarp of the coffee beans. The parchment can be removed in two ways: through dry or wet processing. In the former case, the beans are dried until the outer parchment can be removed safely. In the latter, the beans are washed, after which they are freed from the swollen pericarp under running water. What remains is the raw coffee, which can then be packaged and shipped.

Botanically, the coffee plant belongs to the Rubiaceae family. These are plants with a natural growth height of up to four meters. They make white flowers. The most important varieties cultivated are Arabica and Robusta, their economic success being the most relevant.Arabica has become famous especially due to the strong flavor and the low caffeine content and is now the most frequently consumed type of coffee. Nearly seventy percent of the world's coffee cultivation consists of Arabica plants, which are used especially for making espresso.
The Robusta variety is more profitable than Coffea Arabica, but much more sensitive to cold. However, it is called Robusta because it is resistant to diseases and pests. About thirty percent of the global coffee cultivation consists of Robusta plants.
There are also other not very common plants, for example the rare Excelsa, which is a mutation of the Arabica variety or the West African Stenophylla. The most expensive coffee in the world is the Indonesian Kopi Luwak variety, the taste characteristics of which vary significantly due to the fact that it is transported in the gut of the cat species Luwak, which makes it one of the absolute rarities.
viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012
Earn Money with the eBay Partner Network
The eBay Partner Network (EPN short) is eBay's partner program for advertisers. Anyone with links to eBay or eBay banners who would like to earn money can use this network.
EBay Partner Network acceptance
The biggest hurdle is the first step with the eBay Partner Network because not everyone is included in the EPN. Applications are generally possible only if you have a website. Owners with experience and good content pages have much better chances than those that incorporate a variety of content with limited advertising, for example.
However, the rejection of an application to the eBay Partner Network or EBay affiliate program (which happens quite often if you do not fulfill the above mentioned conditions) is not a reason to throw the towel. You can apply at any time, either with the same or with a different website. If you are applying again with the same website, of course you should explain the improvements you have made.
A promising method of getting an explanation for the rejection from the eBay Partner program is to seek direct communication via e-mail with the eBay Partner Network. Here, one can explain, for example, what forms of advertising they want to include on eBay, why this is relevant for visitors to the website and how they would benefit from the offer.
Unfortunately, eBay is known to not justify the rejection of applications. No one finds out exactly what they have done wrong and why they have not been accepted in the eBay affiliate program if this happens. In principle, however, it is not that much of deals, so do not be shy to apply to a suitable site!
Which advertising medium to choose with the eBay Partner Network?
As for the selection of the various means of advertising on eBay, the range is very wide. Anything is accepted from simple text links to graphic banners or to animated Flash banners.
The selection or generation of advertising is incredibly easy. For example, one who generates a text link has the choice between a link to the eBay homepage, a search results page (with definable keywords and categories), eBay Items (a given number), a link to an eBay shop and ultimately an "individual URL."
Those who prefer graphic can choose to buy from a decent selection of image banners of all sizes.
Unfortunately, visitors usually check out what is under the banners or they simply ignore them. Experience has shown that the so-called "Ad Relevance" banner is a better solution. Here you can put together a banner (again using an easy-to-use wizard). The size and color are customizable. You can leave it up to eBay to decide what content should be displayed (in this case, the website will be shown on the banner according to the search for relevant keywords) or manually an eBay category and choose one or more search markets.
You should try to include the products in the banners and adapt it to the interests of the visitors to the website.
Thanks to the legendary range of products on eBay, you should be able to craft an appropriate niche for almost every banner.
How much money can you earn with the eBay Partner Network?

Most advertisers are paid either a fixed amount per generated click (Pay per Click or simply PPC, which is now somewhat out of fashion) or the credit is paid on commission, for example 5% of the sales generated by the clicks.
The eBay Partner Network combines both approaches: Basically, a certain amount is paid per generated click, the sum being calculated according to the revenues. This calculation is not carried out openly, but in principle the partner receives more money per click if more clicks were generated by the recent strong sales on eBay.
Depending on the experience obtained with the eBay affiliate program, one usually gets 5 to 20 cents per click. But these are only rough guidelines, the fluctuations being endless.
You can reach twice your interest if you care for ads that meet the real interests of visitors, not only because of the number of clicks, but also due to the expected level of revenues generated by eBay, which directly influences the level of your own revenue.
Conclusion: Who is the eBay Partner Network interesting for?
The eBay Partner Network is one of the few advertising providers with which one receives an allowance for each click. Due to the direct dependence of the pay-per-click rate, the eBay affiliate program pays for advertising, especially for operators of websites whose visitors are interested in a particular product range. Banners or text links are a very good way to achieve good revenues.
Unfortunately, the inclusion in the eBay affiliate program is sometimes very difficult, but you should not be discouraged in any way.
EBay Partner Network acceptance
The biggest hurdle is the first step with the eBay Partner Network because not everyone is included in the EPN. Applications are generally possible only if you have a website. Owners with experience and good content pages have much better chances than those that incorporate a variety of content with limited advertising, for example.
However, the rejection of an application to the eBay Partner Network or EBay affiliate program (which happens quite often if you do not fulfill the above mentioned conditions) is not a reason to throw the towel. You can apply at any time, either with the same or with a different website. If you are applying again with the same website, of course you should explain the improvements you have made.
A promising method of getting an explanation for the rejection from the eBay Partner program is to seek direct communication via e-mail with the eBay Partner Network. Here, one can explain, for example, what forms of advertising they want to include on eBay, why this is relevant for visitors to the website and how they would benefit from the offer.
Unfortunately, eBay is known to not justify the rejection of applications. No one finds out exactly what they have done wrong and why they have not been accepted in the eBay affiliate program if this happens. In principle, however, it is not that much of deals, so do not be shy to apply to a suitable site!
Which advertising medium to choose with the eBay Partner Network?
As for the selection of the various means of advertising on eBay, the range is very wide. Anything is accepted from simple text links to graphic banners or to animated Flash banners.
The selection or generation of advertising is incredibly easy. For example, one who generates a text link has the choice between a link to the eBay homepage, a search results page (with definable keywords and categories), eBay Items (a given number), a link to an eBay shop and ultimately an "individual URL."
Those who prefer graphic can choose to buy from a decent selection of image banners of all sizes.
Unfortunately, visitors usually check out what is under the banners or they simply ignore them. Experience has shown that the so-called "Ad Relevance" banner is a better solution. Here you can put together a banner (again using an easy-to-use wizard). The size and color are customizable. You can leave it up to eBay to decide what content should be displayed (in this case, the website will be shown on the banner according to the search for relevant keywords) or manually an eBay category and choose one or more search markets.
You should try to include the products in the banners and adapt it to the interests of the visitors to the website.
Thanks to the legendary range of products on eBay, you should be able to craft an appropriate niche for almost every banner.
How much money can you earn with the eBay Partner Network?
Most advertisers are paid either a fixed amount per generated click (Pay per Click or simply PPC, which is now somewhat out of fashion) or the credit is paid on commission, for example 5% of the sales generated by the clicks.
The eBay Partner Network combines both approaches: Basically, a certain amount is paid per generated click, the sum being calculated according to the revenues. This calculation is not carried out openly, but in principle the partner receives more money per click if more clicks were generated by the recent strong sales on eBay.
Depending on the experience obtained with the eBay affiliate program, one usually gets 5 to 20 cents per click. But these are only rough guidelines, the fluctuations being endless.
You can reach twice your interest if you care for ads that meet the real interests of visitors, not only because of the number of clicks, but also due to the expected level of revenues generated by eBay, which directly influences the level of your own revenue.
Conclusion: Who is the eBay Partner Network interesting for?
The eBay Partner Network is one of the few advertising providers with which one receives an allowance for each click. Due to the direct dependence of the pay-per-click rate, the eBay affiliate program pays for advertising, especially for operators of websites whose visitors are interested in a particular product range. Banners or text links are a very good way to achieve good revenues.
Unfortunately, the inclusion in the eBay affiliate program is sometimes very difficult, but you should not be discouraged in any way.
lunes, 30 de enero de 2012
Christmas saving tips on cheap food
The Christmas shopping should not start in December. Dealers know the shopping behavior of customers and raise their prices around the holidays. For example, a CD player is usually 10 percent more expensive in December than in October or November.
The stock should be reviewed before the actual shopping. You do not want to buy too much of something. You may find some food hidden somewhere.
Many shops offer fresher products in the evening or morning. This is especially common with bread, vegetables or meat. The older products are usually offered with a discount.
Saving tips to eat cheaply: Products that have little before the expiry date are sold off cheap. You should be able to freeze these products partially in order to prolong their shelf life.

Haggling: If the food you want to buy has been touched or the packaging is not flawless, then you can talk to someone in the staff and get a discount. This is safe only for the brave and self-conscious buyers - and yet it may be worth it!
Do you tend to travel far for a shopping bargain? Compare the travel costs and the deal to see if it is worthwhile. Long journeys cost money and gasoline and are not always rewarding if you are only looking for a discount.
Large packs pay off only when they are actually consumed. You should give up the big pack although it is cheaper if you have a single household or you are likely to throw away half of it!
If you do not eat a large amount at once, then you can freeze the portions after preparing the good cheap food if necessary. You can take advantage of the different opportunities and have a fast food in the freezer for later!
Saving tips for vegetables: It is usually preferable to buy vegetables which are harvested in your country. For example, red cabbage usually costs only 1.99 EUR or 2.49 EUR the 10-kilo sack in the fall. Prepare the vegetables and freeze them in portions. Then you have white cabbage or red cabbage for months and very cheap as compared to frozen food.
The stock should be reviewed before the actual shopping. You do not want to buy too much of something. You may find some food hidden somewhere.
Many shops offer fresher products in the evening or morning. This is especially common with bread, vegetables or meat. The older products are usually offered with a discount.
Saving tips to eat cheaply: Products that have little before the expiry date are sold off cheap. You should be able to freeze these products partially in order to prolong their shelf life.
Haggling: If the food you want to buy has been touched or the packaging is not flawless, then you can talk to someone in the staff and get a discount. This is safe only for the brave and self-conscious buyers - and yet it may be worth it!
Do you tend to travel far for a shopping bargain? Compare the travel costs and the deal to see if it is worthwhile. Long journeys cost money and gasoline and are not always rewarding if you are only looking for a discount.
Large packs pay off only when they are actually consumed. You should give up the big pack although it is cheaper if you have a single household or you are likely to throw away half of it!
If you do not eat a large amount at once, then you can freeze the portions after preparing the good cheap food if necessary. You can take advantage of the different opportunities and have a fast food in the freezer for later!
Saving tips for vegetables: It is usually preferable to buy vegetables which are harvested in your country. For example, red cabbage usually costs only 1.99 EUR or 2.49 EUR the 10-kilo sack in the fall. Prepare the vegetables and freeze them in portions. Then you have white cabbage or red cabbage for months and very cheap as compared to frozen food.
miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012
Golf Club Tips
The grip of the club
The size and circumference of the grip of the golf club are important for the control and handling of the club. Most clubs have excellent grips suited to most players.However, if you want to gain a finer control of your golf club and to play with equipment specifically suited to your game, then you should measure your club.
Most shops give you the possibility to calculate the characteristics of your game (swing speed) and create a club for you. This goes for the most famous brands (Callaway, Taylormade, Mizuno, Ping...)
So you own golf clubs sets with an optimized grip: you may move the hands in order to avoid losing control of the club, but do not move them too much in order not to pinch or clench your game and do not relax your wrists in the impact zone.
The handle (shaft) of the golf club
The flexibility of the handle of your club determines the speed of your swing. The shaft controls the clubhead and the energy at impact.
Here are the flexibilities of the golf club shafts:
The stiff or extra stiff shaft: The rigidity of the golf club handle is high. This type of handle provides control and the accuracy is increased. They are designed for players with a fast and powerful swing. Use a golf club cleaner to keep your clubs in perfect condition.
The regular or medium stiff shaft: The handle of the golf club meets the flexibility standards. It is ideal for powerful players with an average swing speed.
The lady or senior shaft: The handle of the golf club is much more flexible and is ideal for players with a slower swing. It compensates for the lack of power and increases the distance of shots.
Pay attention because many players believe that the most rigid handles are best to get a good punching power and thus lengthen the distance of the shot. Or they choose to play with too stiff shafts although their swing speed is low and this leads to a loss of efficiency on the golf course. On the contrary, your precision may be lower if the handle of the golf club you are using is too soft in relation to your swing speed.
You are invited to come and measure your swing speed in all golf stores and choose the golf clubs that suit you best.
lunes, 16 de enero de 2012
Jackets Fit Advisor
The fit advisor for men's jackets helps you determine if a jacket is the right fit for your figure and your body constitution. All pieces of clothing should be adjusted to your body, thus the same goes for jackets.
People have different body sizes, different proportions and different clothing sizes. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to details because they are decisive. This is the only way you can see if a jacket is fitted on you.

Here are the aspects you need to consider when fitting a jacket:
1. The collar/lapel
2. The shoulders
3. The sleeves
4. The upper body
5. The hem
6. The closure/button bar
1. The collar/lapel
The collar of a jacket should go to about the middle of the neck and not stick out. Make sure that no pleats form in the back area below the collar. If the jacket has a lapel, it should roll smoothly above the first button and then lie flat. The lapels, the back of the jacket and the chest should not be too tight.
2. The shoulders
The shoulder seams should be straight and lie flat without any dents being formed. They should reach at least the end of the clavicle but not extend too far. Usually, if the shoulder seams are too long, the jacket has a poor fit. You should feel any pressure when you move your shoulders. If you do, you should look for a looser jacket.
3. The sleeves
The sleeves should cover the bones of your wrist if you bend your arms slightly at the sides.
4. The upper body
Most jacket models should be securely fastened in order to have a good appearance, but this is obviously a question of model and personal clothing style. If a jacket forms horizontal lines in the back, pulls on the hips and opens up the slot on the back (if the jacket has one), then it is definitely too small.
You should raise and lower your arms when trying on a jacket to see if it slips back into its original position without you having to put it there. Pay attention to the area between the waist and the hips because the jacket should slide down over the hips without any wrinkles being formed.
Make sure the armholes are wide enough to allow you to move your arm comfortably and freely.
Note: mens jackets with a very good fit are usually more uncomfortable than those with a poor fit!
5. The hem
If you look at the hem of your jacket from the side, it should have a quiet, straight course (of course, this applies to jacket models with straight hems).
Make sure that the hem does not protrude anywhere or roll inward or outward.
6. The closure/button bar
You should sit down comfortably when the jacket is closed. Mens suit jackets are sometimes equipped with buttons. Well, if the buttons form wrinkles in the shape of the letter X, then it is too tight and you should look for another one. If the jacket has a zipper, you should be able to close it without effort.
Have fun trying out jackets!
People have different body sizes, different proportions and different clothing sizes. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to details because they are decisive. This is the only way you can see if a jacket is fitted on you.
Here are the aspects you need to consider when fitting a jacket:
1. The collar/lapel
2. The shoulders
3. The sleeves
4. The upper body
5. The hem
6. The closure/button bar
1. The collar/lapel
The collar of a jacket should go to about the middle of the neck and not stick out. Make sure that no pleats form in the back area below the collar. If the jacket has a lapel, it should roll smoothly above the first button and then lie flat. The lapels, the back of the jacket and the chest should not be too tight.
2. The shoulders
The shoulder seams should be straight and lie flat without any dents being formed. They should reach at least the end of the clavicle but not extend too far. Usually, if the shoulder seams are too long, the jacket has a poor fit. You should feel any pressure when you move your shoulders. If you do, you should look for a looser jacket.
3. The sleeves
The sleeves should cover the bones of your wrist if you bend your arms slightly at the sides.
4. The upper body
Most jacket models should be securely fastened in order to have a good appearance, but this is obviously a question of model and personal clothing style. If a jacket forms horizontal lines in the back, pulls on the hips and opens up the slot on the back (if the jacket has one), then it is definitely too small.
You should raise and lower your arms when trying on a jacket to see if it slips back into its original position without you having to put it there. Pay attention to the area between the waist and the hips because the jacket should slide down over the hips without any wrinkles being formed.
Make sure the armholes are wide enough to allow you to move your arm comfortably and freely.
Note: mens jackets with a very good fit are usually more uncomfortable than those with a poor fit!
5. The hem
If you look at the hem of your jacket from the side, it should have a quiet, straight course (of course, this applies to jacket models with straight hems).
Make sure that the hem does not protrude anywhere or roll inward or outward.
6. The closure/button bar
You should sit down comfortably when the jacket is closed. Mens suit jackets are sometimes equipped with buttons. Well, if the buttons form wrinkles in the shape of the letter X, then it is too tight and you should look for another one. If the jacket has a zipper, you should be able to close it without effort.
Have fun trying out jackets!
lunes, 9 de enero de 2012
Information about Disability Insurance
Disability means a medically confirmed, permanent impairment of the profession caused by illness or accidents.
Disabled people cannot exercise their profession. The disability criteria are very restrictive. Disabled people can continue to work in some other areas that suit their physical and mental constitution, but can no longer exercise their original profession.
People can insure themselves against disability. The insured gets 50% coverage in the event that they remain disabled. Disabled people get a private disability insurance policy automatically.
Free and no obligation request for disability insurance
Services required
Pension amount
Individual offer

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Occupational group *
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TÜV-tested safety, functionality and data security
SSL-encrypted transmission of your personal data
Many insurers differentiate four occupational groups, each with different contribution and even tariff standards. These set the individual ratings of almost all kinds of professions. Statistically, for example, a pharmacist is rarely incapacitated while this often happens with restaurateurs. Just like in private health insurance, the application is made on the so-called individual basis, which usually leads to different contributions depending on the classification of the risk. The restaurateur thus pays a much higher contribution than the pharmacist. Usually, the collectively allowable period of insurance is up to the age of 55 or 60 for occupations which involve higher risks (e.g. skilled trades, even teachers). Age limits or maximum insurance limits are set. Whoever gets insured for the wrong job is not covered, so they may act against the directive adopted by the insurer and puts their insurance coverage at risk because the insurer can be held responsible for the violation of the pre-contractual obligation or withdraw from it.
The age, the monthly amount of disability pension, the possible guaranteed annual pension increases if indexed for inflation, the waiting period and the health (medical history) all influence the disability insurance. More and more insurers also demand higher premiums for smokers.
In comparison, it has been shown that most people with mental disorders are disabled. The symptoms are often very slow and insidious. Also, physical problems that lead to the need for disability insurance are often kept secret and hidden from the medical history.
Disabled people cannot exercise their profession. The disability criteria are very restrictive. Disabled people can continue to work in some other areas that suit their physical and mental constitution, but can no longer exercise their original profession.
People can insure themselves against disability. The insured gets 50% coverage in the event that they remain disabled. Disabled people get a private disability insurance policy automatically.
Free and no obligation request for disability insurance
Services required
Pension amount
Individual offer
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First name *
ZIP & City *
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Phone/Mobile *
Date of birth *
E-mail *
Occupational group *
I agree with the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions *
Your data is secured with SSL encryption.
* required information
TÜV-tested safety, functionality and data security
SSL-encrypted transmission of your personal data
Disability insurance information
The maximum age up to which the disability pension is paid (durability or performance time) is 65 years, but an extension to 67 years can also be obtained. In this case, the insurance industry is based on the so-called standard retirement pension from the statutory pension insurance fund. The insurance period can be agreed on separately with most offers. This is the age up to which the insured can make claims against the insurers. For example, the contract period can be up to the age of 55 years and the duration of the benefits can be set up to the age of 65 years. In this case, the pension is paid if the onset of the disability is up to the age of 65 years.
Many insurers differentiate four occupational groups, each with different contribution and even tariff standards. These set the individual ratings of almost all kinds of professions. Statistically, for example, a pharmacist is rarely incapacitated while this often happens with restaurateurs. Just like in private health insurance, the application is made on the so-called individual basis, which usually leads to different contributions depending on the classification of the risk. The restaurateur thus pays a much higher contribution than the pharmacist. Usually, the collectively allowable period of insurance is up to the age of 55 or 60 for occupations which involve higher risks (e.g. skilled trades, even teachers). Age limits or maximum insurance limits are set. Whoever gets insured for the wrong job is not covered, so they may act against the directive adopted by the insurer and puts their insurance coverage at risk because the insurer can be held responsible for the violation of the pre-contractual obligation or withdraw from it.
The age, the monthly amount of disability pension, the possible guaranteed annual pension increases if indexed for inflation, the waiting period and the health (medical history) all influence the disability insurance. More and more insurers also demand higher premiums for smokers.
The so-called abstract references
According to the statutory scheme modified on January, 1, 2001, disability insurance is available only for those born before January, 1, 1961 and only if they are partially incapable of exercising their profession. If an employee can only pursue half of their work, then the disability insurance consists in partial compensation only.
In comparison, it has been shown that most people with mental disorders are disabled. The symptoms are often very slow and insidious. Also, physical problems that lead to the need for disability insurance are often kept secret and hidden from the medical history.
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