lunes, 9 de enero de 2012

Information about Disability Insurance

Disability means a medically confirmed, permanent impairment of the profession caused by illness or accidents.

Disabled people cannot exercise their profession. The disability criteria are very restrictive. Disabled people can continue to work in some other areas that suit their physical and mental constitution, but can no longer exercise their original profession.

People can insure themselves against disability. The insured gets 50% coverage in the event that they remain disabled. Disabled people get a private disability insurance policy automatically.

Free and no obligation request for disability insurance

Services required

Pension amount          

Individual offer

image of insurance.

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Occupational group * 
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Disability insurance information


The maximum age up to which the disability pension is paid (durability or performance time) is 65 years, but an extension to 67 years can also be obtained. In this case, the insurance industry is based on the so-called standard retirement pension from the statutory pension insurance fund. The insurance period can be agreed on separately with most offers. This is the age up to which the insured can make claims against the insurers. For example, the contract period can be up to the age of 55 years and the duration of the benefits can be set up to the age of 65 years. In this case, the pension is paid if the onset of the disability is up to the age of 65 years.

Many insurers differentiate four occupational groups, each with different contribution and even tariff standards. These set the individual ratings of almost all kinds of professions. Statistically, for example, a pharmacist is rarely incapacitated while this often happens with restaurateurs. Just like in private health insurance, the application is made on the so-called individual basis, which usually leads to different contributions depending on the classification of the risk. The restaurateur thus pays a much higher contribution than the pharmacist. Usually, the collectively allowable period of insurance is up to the age of 55 or 60 for occupations which involve higher risks (e.g. skilled trades, even teachers). Age limits or maximum insurance limits are set. Whoever gets insured for the wrong job is not covered, so they may act against the directive adopted by the insurer and puts their insurance coverage at risk because the insurer can be held responsible for the violation of the pre-contractual obligation or withdraw from it.

The age, the monthly amount of disability pension, the possible guaranteed annual pension increases if indexed for inflation, the waiting period and the health (medical history) all influence the disability insurance. More and more insurers also demand higher premiums for smokers.

The so-called abstract references


According to the statutory scheme modified on January, 1, 2001, disability insurance is available only for those born before January, 1, 1961 and only if they are partially incapable of exercising their profession. If an employee can only pursue half of their work, then the disability insurance consists in partial compensation only.

In comparison, it has been shown that most people with mental disorders are disabled. The symptoms are often very slow and insidious. Also, physical problems that lead to the need for disability insurance are often kept secret and hidden from the medical history.

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