The pairs ranging between 6-6 and J-J are called middle pairs. These hands are well below the big pairs in value. The value declines rapidly as you approach the pair of 6s. You can play them all whatever your position, but you must vary your game greatly if you want to win the coup.
Consider your position at the table when you choose your game options. Your game should vary according to whether the pot has been raised or not.
Raised pots
If you are in early position, raise twice with J-J, T-T, 9-9, 8-8, 7-7 and 6-6. The value of the raise should decrease as the value of the hands decreases.
Vary your play and call from time to time to cover your tracks. Otherwise, your game will follow a pattern and will quickly be spotted even by beginners. Even they will understand your play very quickly. Then, you will have great difficulties in recovering your bet.
If you are in middle position, you can raise if you have an average pair. Your raise will increase the value of KJ or QJ combinations, which could cause problems on the flop.
If you are in late position, you should be aggressive. For example, you can call with a pair of jacks or tens hoping to be revived and re-raise with what is probably the best hand at that time. In most cases, you will win the pot immediately.
If you have a short stack, you can re-raise or go all-in with a pair of jacks or tens. You should not fold because your chances of remaining in the game will decrease significantly.
If you have a big stack, you can follow the raise with these hands. The implied odds are huge if you hit a set. It will be difficult for your opponent to go further in the game if they do not hit a pair on the flop. Sometimes you can win instantly with a continuation bet.
If the pot has been raised and then re-raised, it is time to get rid of those hands that can cost you your entire carpet. However, you must make an exception to this rule if the bet was followed by several players. In this case, your hand is a draw hand with very favorable real and implied odds. Throw your hand if you do not hit the set on the flop. If you hit a set, you will win a huge pot. Use the newest casino promotions before you start to play. In most cases the bonuses are in form of pending dollars that you unlock by playing more and more games.