miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

The Best Remedy for Nausea

Nausea and Vomiting in Dogs

Vomiting is a cleaning process in the body and should not be hidden. Dogs should eat grass to be better able to vomit. There has been a lot of thought on  the exact causes,and probably dogs feel when a stomach "cleaning" is required.

With frequent or persistent vomiting, causes should urgently be researched and treated! Signs are grumbling, rumbling stomach; or the dog howls moans or whimpers, and there is increased salivation.

Side effects

Often vomiting is not a disease or symptom alone, but various other symptoms can occur in parallel and often suggest a specific underlying disease such as loss of appetite, sadness, lethargy, diarrhea, and constipation.


The causes of nausea and vomiting are fear, excitement or stress, poor nutrition, too cold food, swallowing too quickly, too much dietary fat, leftover food, allergies (especially food allergy (contact allergy) type I – response, intestinal parasites such as various worms, irritation by foreign bodies (such as bone fragments from a neighbor or a captured forest dwellers, toys, etc.), Diabetes mellitus, sunstroke, poisoning by pesticides, rat poison, antifreeze, household cleaners, viral infections such as parvo or distemper, stomach ulcers, cancer (often bloody vomit), nervous system, brain tumor, liver or kidney disease, motion sickness while driving.
picture of motion sickness.
How to deal with it

Based on the consistency of the vomit, the expert can rule out various causes

It is important to make sure exactly when the dog vomits, as this supports the accurate diagnosis.

Keep Toilet lids closed. When dogs drink from the toilet, they can get dangerous bacteria. The stomach will need to take a rest and eat something in about 24 hours. To dry out to prevent fluid intake are provided sufficient to ensure safe drinking water is readily available. Take food mildly and only slowly and begin when ready. Rice with a little vegetable stock and TVP, oatmeal or finely mashed vegetables pot are ideal. After vomiting, the same foods that caused diarrhea should be cautiously given.

Home and remedies for minor complaints
  1. For nausea relief: put 8 tablespoons of freshly chopped parsley in a cup of boiling water, boil for five minutes, then strain and stir in a teaspoon of maple syrup. The dog gets this after it cools at a dose of a tablespoon about 6 times per hour.
  2. Put 4 tablespoons thyme with a cup of boiling water and scald for ten minutes and strain. Give to the after cooling, administer a tablespoon approximately 6 times per hour.
  3. 4 tablespoons rosemary is poured over a cup of boiling water. Let sit for a whole ten minutes then strain the can, and after cooling, give the dog a tablespoon about 6 times per hour.
  4. After the initial measures introduced, in later hours Rescue drops can be administered.

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

Historical References on the Health Benefits of Wine

Hildegard von Bingen, Paracelsus and Goethe are well-known names of history that discussed on the salutary effect of wine.

The ancient Greeks drank wine to treat pain


Cheers: The tradition to toast using these words was already known among the ancient Greeks. They had 200 places of worship where they drank in the honor of their healing god Asklepios. "Noise" wines were prescribed for the relief of disease symptoms. Hippocrates in 400 BC was already using wine to strengthen patients in the recovery phase, along with tranquilizers and sleeping and anti-headache pills.

image of wine.

Cultures of antiquity


Cultures of antiquity - Wine for sciatica
Various ancient cultures used wine with additional vegetable matter or pure wine as a narcotic analgesic for sciatica and cardiovascular disorders. Eye disease and bloating were also treated with wine. Last but not least, it was used as a diuretic.

Roman legionnaires


Roman legionnaires used wine for hygiene improvement
Roman legionnaires drank wine not only after but also during their campaigns. They mixed it with water for a better hygienic quality. Wine was also used as a disinfectant in wound treatment. It was then confirmed that this drink also has some antibacterial effects.

Hildegard von Bingen


Hildegard von Bingen - Rage against wine
The abbess Hildegard von Bingen was a prophet of the 12th century and a mystic figure of the Middle Ages. He tried to balance the blood, phlegm, black and yellow bile using the healing power of herbs and spices.
Irritability and outbursts of anger, one of the "unhealthy surfeits of black bile", were cured with white wine heated up to the boiling point. This wine was then mixed with water.

Friedrich Hoffmann


Friedrich Hoffmann - More is better
The chemist and physician Friedrich Hoffmann, a professor at the Martin Luther University and personal physician of the Prussian King Frederick I, developed the wine cure. The patients participating to his study had to drink half a liter of wine per day in the first week. This dosage was then increased during the treatment, so that in the fifth week they drank six to eight liters of wine per day.


Paracelsus – The wine recipe
Grape cures were in vogue in the American spas of the 16th century, at the time of the alchemist and physician Theophrastus of Hohenheim Bombastus, also known as Paracelsus. Wine was considered to be a healing agent so doctors prescribed certain wines for treatment, but they only recommended their consumption in moderation. Paracelsus said: "All things are poison and there is nothing that contains no poison. The poison lies in the dose."



Goethe - Wine as inspiration and worries killer

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe published many works on wine. He praised its beneficial properties. In 1829, a sum that accounted for 20 percent of the total expenditure was found in his book budget under the keyword "wine purchase". To summarize using Goethe's words: “Provide care for your dear life”.
Visit www.romanianwine.co.uk for more interestin wine related facts.

martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Coffee Cultivation

The popular coffee beans are cultivated for coffee. They reach the highest germination level eight weeks after maturity. The beans are planted after the thin skin (parchment) is peeled off. The first leaves of the resulting coffee plant show after six weeks. This process is usually carried out in the nursery because the plant is protected against environmental influences like sunshine. The plants are harvested after eight to ten months. The coffee tree may already measure 30 centimeters in height when replanted. The plants are grown on plantations, where they are trimmed regularly. The coffee tree bears fruit for the first time after three years. Coffee trees reach the maximum yield at the age of ten to twenty years and then the harvest decreases.
Coffee plants shall be harvested once or several times a year, depending on the region. The harvesting of coffee plants can last up to 12 weeks. It should be carried out by hand ("picking") because the quality of the coffee beans is higher. This method is applied especially with the high-quality Coffea Arabica. However, the so-called stripping method is often used for the purpose of time and labor savings, all the fruit of a plant being stripped mechanically.

The last step in coffee production is the removal of the outer pericarp of the coffee beans. The parchment can be removed in two ways: through dry or wet processing. In the former case, the beans are dried until the outer parchment can be removed safely. In the latter, the beans are washed, after which they are freed from the swollen pericarp under running water. What remains is the raw coffee, which can then be packaged and shipped.

image of coffee.

Botanically, the coffee plant belongs to the Rubiaceae family. These are plants with a natural growth height of up to four meters. They make white flowers. The most important varieties cultivated are Arabica and Robusta, their economic success being the most relevant.

Arabica has become famous especially due to the strong flavor and the low caffeine content and is now the most frequently consumed type of coffee. Nearly seventy percent of the world's coffee cultivation consists of Arabica plants, which are used especially for making espresso.

The Robusta variety is more profitable than Coffea Arabica, but much more sensitive to cold. However, it is called Robusta because it is resistant to diseases and pests. About thirty percent of the global coffee cultivation consists of Robusta plants.

There are also other not very common plants, for example the rare Excelsa, which is a mutation of the Arabica variety or the West African Stenophylla. The most expensive coffee in the world is the Indonesian Kopi Luwak variety, the taste characteristics of which vary significantly due to the fact that it is transported in the gut of the cat species Luwak, which makes it one of the absolute rarities.

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

Earn Money with the eBay Partner Network

The eBay Partner Network (EPN short) is eBay's partner program for advertisers. Anyone with links to eBay or eBay banners who would like to earn money can use this network.

EBay Partner Network acceptance

The biggest hurdle is the first step with the eBay Partner Network because not everyone is included in the EPN. Applications are generally possible only if you have a website. Owners with experience and good content pages have much better chances than those that incorporate a variety of content with limited advertising, for example.

However, the rejection of an application to the eBay Partner Network or EBay affiliate program (which happens quite often if you do not fulfill the above mentioned conditions) is not a reason to throw the towel. You can apply at any time, either with the same or with a different website. If you are applying again with the same website, of course you should explain the improvements you have made.

A promising method of getting an explanation for the rejection from the eBay Partner program is to seek direct communication via e-mail with the eBay Partner Network. Here, one can explain, for example, what forms of advertising they want to include on eBay, why this is relevant for visitors to the website and how they would benefit from the offer.

Unfortunately, eBay is known to not justify the rejection of applications. No one finds out exactly what they have done wrong and why they have not been accepted in the eBay affiliate program if this happens. In principle, however, it is not that much of deals, so do not be shy to apply to a suitable site!

Which advertising medium to choose with the eBay Partner Network?

As for the selection of the various means of advertising on eBay, the range is very wide. Anything is accepted from simple text links to graphic banners or to animated Flash banners.

The selection or generation of advertising is incredibly easy.  For example, one who generates a text link has the choice between a link to the eBay homepage, a search results page (with definable keywords and categories), eBay Items (a given number), a link to an eBay shop and ultimately an "individual URL."
Those who prefer graphic can choose to buy from a decent selection of image banners of all sizes.

Unfortunately, visitors usually check out what is under the banners or they simply ignore them. Experience has shown that the so-called "Ad Relevance" banner is a better solution. Here you can put together a banner (again using an easy-to-use wizard). The size and color are customizable. You can leave it up to eBay to decide what content should be displayed (in this case, the website will be shown on the banner according to the search for relevant keywords) or manually an eBay category and choose one or more search markets.
You should try to include the products in the banners and adapt it to the interests of the visitors to the website.

Thanks to the legendary range of products on eBay, you should be able to craft an appropriate niche for almost every banner.

How much money can you earn with the eBay Partner Network?

picture of online job.
Most advertisers are paid either a fixed amount per generated click (Pay per Click or simply PPC, which is now somewhat out of fashion) or the credit is paid on commission, for example 5% of the sales generated by the clicks.

The eBay Partner Network combines both approaches: Basically, a certain amount is paid per generated click, the sum being calculated according to the revenues. This calculation is not carried out openly, but in principle the partner receives more money per click if more clicks were generated by the recent strong sales on eBay.

Depending on the experience obtained with the eBay affiliate program, one usually gets 5 to 20 cents per click. But these are only rough guidelines, the fluctuations being endless.

You can reach twice your interest if you care for ads that meet the real interests of visitors, not only because of the number of clicks, but also due to the expected level of revenues generated by eBay, which directly influences the level of your own revenue.

Conclusion: Who is the eBay Partner Network interesting for?

The eBay Partner Network is one of the few advertising providers with which one receives an allowance for each click. Due to the direct dependence of the pay-per-click rate, the eBay affiliate program pays for advertising, especially for operators of websites whose visitors are interested in a particular product range. Banners or text links are a very good way to achieve good revenues.

Unfortunately, the inclusion in the eBay affiliate program is sometimes very difficult, but you should not be discouraged in any way.