martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

Basic facts about Homeopathic HCG

Homeopathic HCG has been the talk of the town for quite some time now. Days of old are gone when it used to hurt just to lose weight. It is now the era of major weight loss without the pain nor downtime. We owe it all to Dr. Simeon, who discovered the natural fat burning effect of HCG in his experiment done through people who volunteered to undergo the said study. And hats off to Dr Samuel Hahnemann who brought the principle of "homeopathy" or "like cures like" to light that it is now widely used in modern medicine. Hence, the birth of Homeopathic HCG came to be.

image of weight loss.Based on statistics, Homeopathic HCG is supported and well loved by people, whose family, friends,
acquaintances have had a share of success stories using HCG. With their own eyes, they have witnessed the rapid weight loss effect when using HCG, such that people nowadays are getting their share from the success of the HCG program by being an HCG affiliate themselves. There could be no other genuine testimony than that of the people you know. The best marketing strategy there is.

Most people's stories could be said as positive. Some loses 1-2 pounds a day, while others may lose more. On other occasions, people are dissatisfied with the half-a-pound loss a day because they would ask why other people lost more weight than they do. They could be wallowing on what they have done wrong. In this case, it is important to look at it in a better perspective. After all, losing just half a pound is better than gaining half-a-pound a day, right?

In addition, people must avoid asking why. Instead, they should ask themselves, how. As in, how to make the homeopathic HCG work to their advantage. How to discipline themselves during all phases of the HCG diet without cheating? and so on...All the answer lies beneath the level of your desire in putting those unwanted fats and pounds off, once and for all. The HCG diet protocol would not be able to measure up if one does not believe that the HCG is the solution.

You see, in able for you to also make it work, you have to believe that it does work. This kind of attitude, if applied, would give one an edge and encouragement to advance in the program. Pretty soon, you would find out that you are actually enjoying HCG diet as it made you a determined person from the inside that would quickly show in the outside.

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

Barclaycard Best Credit Cards

Barclaycard offers its customers a wide selection of credit cards, which are used both in the professional field as well as in the private one. Those who take credit cards can also take credits with annual rates from this institution, which are absolutely free of interest. The matter of which credit card is the right one for the customers is best resolved by credit card comparison. It depends largely on the customers individual needs and expectations.

Barclaycard New Visa

The Barclaycard New Visa is a VISA credit card that can be used worldwide. There is the New Barclaycard Visa contributory in the first year and then fees apply unless the sum of 1200 euro is reached in annual sales.

Especially practical: the acceptance Joker. If the VISA credit card is not accepted anywhere, the Maestro card is a very good alternative, but customers have to pay at least 5% of the invoice (less than 25 $) per month.

Barclaycard New Double

The New Barclaycard customers will have a double-double partner card, without paying any contribution in the first year.It is considered one of the best credit cards. The bonus system is particularly attractive at this price: If you fill up, this is worth having! Significant yearly savings can be made on gas station sales.

The account balance can be carried in convenient installments and an interest-free credit of up to 2 months is also given. Customers benefit from the current 1.5% credit interest on the credit card account.

Barclaycard Gold Visa

The Barclaycard Gold Visa is a credit card for people with higher demands. This gives customers a means of payment, with additional services included. This card has no cash withdrawal fee. The first year is free and then the fee drops only if the annual turnover is below 3000 euro.

The account balance can be carried in convenient installments, so that maximum flexibility is ensured in the recovery. The contributory Maestro card can be used for payments whenever the Visa card cannot be used.

The golden credit card also contains attractive insurance. It includes travel health insurance and public transport accident insurance with comprehensive benefits.

image of credit cards.Barclaycard Platinum Double

Up to 3 double-contributory partner cards are included in this offer, like a credit line of up to 2 months. Platinum credit card customers of Barclaycard get comprehensive services for an annual fee of 95 euro (from the 2nd year  the first year is free of charge). Besides the possibility of cashless payments and cash withdrawals from the machine, an insurance premium is also offered: An all-inclusive package protects the whole family on vacation or on business trips. Furthermore, the Barclaycard Platinum Double provides goods protection in case of damage or burglary. Similarly, document security is also included.

Barclaycard for Students

Barclaycard has a very special offer for students: the Barclaycard for students. This is tailored to the needs of students. Consumers receive cheap and powerful credit card without paying any contribution in the first year.

Barclaycard Green

The Barclaycard Green is the right choice for those who are not just looking for a convenient means of payment, but at the same time, want to do something for the environment. 0.5% of credit card sales are donated to selected environmental projects. In addition to this, part of the second year contribution is also donated to different organic projects. The annual fee is 19 euro if the amount of 1200 euro is not exceeded in the previous year of use.

The Green Barclaycard can be used worldwide - the repayment of the sales is made within a 2-month interest-free credit line with convenient rates. Cardholders benefit from attractive discounts on partner deals as well as a contributory Maestro card that can be used as an alternative to credit cards. The balance on the credit card account bears a 1.5% interest.

Barclaycard Business

The Barclaycard Business offer is aimed at business customers who wish to use their credit card professionally and personally. The Visa Business credit card is dedicated to the business end, while MasterCard can be used for private activities. The contributions of the Visa credit card and MasterCard are each listed separately on the settlement, so that an expense report can be quite simple.

The credit card is free of charge in the first year and then the annual fee depends on the annual sales. The account balance can be made in whole or in convenient installments - an individual credit limit can be agreed on. The Barclaycard Business card is accepted in more than 30 million locations around the world.

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

The Knowledge of the San People

The African natives were the first ones involved into pharmaceutical profits

Fruits of the desert: The San are survivors.

The San people in Southern Africa are displaced, despised and forgotten in many places. The San people today are known as the famous Bushmen, who live mainly in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa. Now there's good news for them, thanks to the "weight-loss elixir P57": If the U.S. group Pfizer releases their new slimming secret weapon on the market, the San people will have a share of the profits from the patent.
This success came after a long struggle. This is the first pharmaceutical company to have such a commitment. However, it is all justified, the elixir being based on the P57 Hoodia cactus and the traditional knowledge of the San people.
The San are traditionally a nation of hunters and gatherers. They wandered and ran through the endless sand plains of the Kalahari Desert in search of food for days. They even resettled on some occasions. Therefore, they were hungry for days.
"Our men found water in ostrich eggs, which we had buried there for them", recalls the old Qoama. There was no time for breathers or even hunting spree. The bitter Hoodia cactus helped them withstand the rigors of the San in the Kalahari Desert. "The hunters suppressed their hunger and thirst by chewing on pieces of this large cucumber plant,” reports Qoama.

A symbol of dignity

image of hoodia gordonii diet.The short woman with a colorful headscarf is familiar with the plants and wild fruits of her homeland. Qoama has already learned from her mother that the vitamin-rich nut Morama is a diversified nutritional supplement. She knows exactly what wild tubers and plants help against certain diseases. However, Qoama has heard almost nothing about vitamins or diets, except for when her son told her that the P57 diet is a huge success. For the first time in African history has an indigenous minority managed to enforce traditional, communal knowledge against a pharmaceutical multinational company.

Such profits had been still unthinkable on the "UN Summit on Sustainable Development 2002" in Johannesburg. On signing the convention between the South African San Association “San Council" and the "South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research" (CSIR) in late March, the Minister of Arts and Culture, Ben Ngubane, said: "This agreement symbolizes the restoration of the dignity of the original people.".

Qoama has only noticed a little of the month-long legal discussions of her people with the CSIR. “After a long battle, it was established that six percent of the profits from the patent of the miracle cure P57,” says the multiple mother and grandmother.

"The Hoodia Cactus was our family tradition."
P57 is the name that Phythopharm, the British Pharma Group, gave to Hoodia, which was patented by the CSIR in 1996 and was bought by Phytopharm shortly thereafter. The press praised the drug quickly and presented it as a "slimming dream and the pharmaceutical industry predicted a revolution of the seven-billion-euro diet market - without thinking of the centuries-old knowledge of the San people.
"But the traditional knowledge of our forefathers finally got attention through this important contract. We want to preserve and protect all aspects of our heritage," said Peter Vaalbooi, board member of the South African San Association.

In 2001, the Western pharmaceutical industry discovered the hunger and thirst-relieving effect of the Hoodia cactus. First, Phythopharm secured the patent rights of the appetite suppressant P57, which were then acquired by the American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, already successful with the Viagra pill, the rights for P57 being worth 17 billion euro.

Based on their knowledge, the San people of the "Kung" wanted to let people know about the million-dollar discovery. The organization WIMSA ("Working Group on indigenous minorities in southern Africa") helped the San to enforce their rights.

"The San felt cheated on. It was as if someone had stolen their family silver and wanted to sell it for a huge profit,” said the WIMSA human rights lawyer Roger Chenelle.

A Short Introduction to Hoodia Gordonii

One hears and reads about Hoodia as a sensational slimming product everywhere. Hoodia is a South African, thorny plant that looks like a cactus. However, it is not a cactus, but belongs to the family of Milkweed plants.

It is eaten by wandering desert dwellers in its native South African desert and dampens the hunger on barren travels. In rich industrialized countries, Hoodia is used to dampen the appetite for diets. Whether this succeeds in the sensational manner expected is questionable.

The Hoodia plant is threatened by the thinness of overweight Westerners because they can cultivate it and it is therefore hardly harvested in the wild, although it has been included on the protection list in 2004.

Fact sheet

Main applications: Overweight

Medicinal properties: Appetite-reducing

Applications: Cravings, obesity, diabetes, cough, cold

Scientific name: Hoodia Gordonii

Plant family: Milkweed plants = Asclepiadoideae family

English name:  Hoodia

Nickname: Khowab, Kowa, carrion flowers

Used plant: Stalk

Ingredients: Steroids, pregnane P57, cardiac glycosides


Hoodia flutters the brain from high blood sugar levels and alleviates hunger and appetite.

Theoretically, Hoodia can help combat obesity and diabetes.

Hoodia is sold as a food supplement,pills or hoodia tea. However, it is not clear whether all products on the market contain Hoodia or if they are not genuine. Even if the product is genuine, it is questionable whether administration is recommended.

On the one hand, the ways in which Hoodia works are yet unknown. Whether it is healthy for people to take Hoodia over an extended period of being overweight is also unknown. The more serious reason,which speaks against the use of Hoodia products is nature conservation. You should only use Hoodia products from trusted sources.

Traditional application

The Bushmen in Africa took the Hoodia shoots and removed the spines and shell.

Then, they chewed a thumb-long piece of it three times a day. This application helped not only with relieving them from hunger and thirst, but also with coughs.


hoodiaHoodia has been used by the Bushmen (Khoi-San) of the South African desert areas as food on hunting trips for a long time. They cut small pieces of the plant stems and removed the thorns instead of eating nutritious food. Using the Hoodia stalk suppressed the hunger and thirst until their return back home.

The Bushmen used Hoodia Gordonii against colds, too.

In the first sixty years of the 20th century, the appetite-suppressing effect of Hoodia was known among soldiers who served in the desert service.

Since 1996, the effects of the Hoodia have been studied by scientists looking to produce drugs against obesity.

In the next few years, the marketing rights for Hoodia Gordonii and its agents went from one pharmaceutical company to another, these companies wanting to do extensive business with this sensational appetite suppressant.

The Bushmen were able to enforce the use of Terre des Hommes, a small share in the profits of Hoodia medication. This is a historic triumph of an indigenous minority in the fight against exploitation of their natural resources.

Since 2004, the Hoodia plant has been internationally protected.

When harvested, the plants used must be proven compatible with nature. Of course, these documents are often fake.

Hoodia Gordonii is also grown nowadays. This is achieved quite well, but it is questionable whether the cultivated plants are just as good as the naturally grown ones.

Plant description

Hoodia originates from southern Africa. It is found in South Africa, Namibia, Angola and Botswana. It grows primarily in dry desert soil.

The perennial plant is about 60 cm high.

The spiny succulent plant is evergreen, but, similar to cacti, it does not have normal leaves, but roller-like, upright leaves with thorns.

The large flowers are reddish, yellowish or flesh-colored.

They smell of carrion flies is marvelous.

The flowers develop elongated seed pods that remind a bit of goat horns.

This silky hairy seed capsules contain the seeds that have given the plant family its name.