Vaccination - Readiness for life from an early age
The so-called basic immunization is mandatory, just like the triannual refresher vaccinations. The first series of vaccinations consists of 2 injections, which are them given within intervals of 3-4 weeks and every 12 months later on.
The cat’s body needs to develop a type of memory that persists for a period of about one year. Booster vaccinations should be carried out more than 14 months later. Otherwise, this effect may be lost and recent vaccination may be necessary. Not every cat needs every vaccine in the world.
You have to consider whether the cat will be a purely indoor cat or whether you will let it go out of the house from time to time. What do you do during your vacation? Do you take your cat with you, do you leave it with the neighbors or do you take it to a special home? The age of your cat is essential for some vaccinations, too. Each vaccination can cause different reactions or adverse effects.
Prerequisites for vaccination
Parasite freedom, i.e. deworming has been carried out previously
Avoidance of stress, such as owners’ departure or relocation
Compliance with the vaccination schedule for kittens
The alleged schedule is a guideline but you can create a personalized vaccination schedule together with your veterinarian.
The vaccination schedule for kittens:
9th week of life Vaccination against cat flu, feline distemper
12th week of life Vaccination against cat flu, feline distemper, rabies and feline leukemia
16th week of life Vaccination against rabies and feline leukemia
The vaccination schedule for previously unvaccinated adult cats:
Vaccination of cats against cat flu, feline distemper, feline leukemia and rabies (variations are possible depending on the lifestyle)
Repetition of the same vaccine 3-4 weeks later
Booster vaccination is required every one to three years depending on the vaccine and the infection rate, as well as on the deworming
Why should you deworm your cat?
Regular deworming is a hygienic duty to protect both the cat and the cat owners against any possible infection. Deworming is not a form of vaccination. It does not offer protection over a certain period of time. It only treats the current infestation. However, a new adult worm can develop in four weeks from the deworming.
Means of infection of worms
Cats get infected with roundworms through breast milk. Roundworms are transmitted mainly through excretion, through feces which contains larvae that evolve nearby the infection. Then, the larvae pass through the mouth cavity to the stomach-intestinal tract of the pets. Furthermore, infestation is possible through the consumption of raw meat or flies.
Larvae of hookworms can penetrate the healthy skin of the cat.
Tapeworms, however, give off some limbs and remain in a dried state, as if they were grains of rice affecting the cats health. They can also be transmitted by fleas or rodents. Therefore, regular deworming is strongly recommended for the best protection of your pet.
Do indoor cats need to be dewormed? Several studies have shown that up to 20% of worm-derived fecal samples tested positive for indoor cats. This means that 20% of the suspected cats were indoor cats. These cats catch worms from flies, fleas or the master’s or mistress’s shoes. Sometimes they get infected after consuming raw meat. Pure apartment cats should be dewormed annually or whenever they are suspected of being infected with worms.
How to deworm your cat properly
Dams: 10 days before the birth
Kittens from the 14th week of life: Every 2 weeks until weaning with the mother. Then twice more.
Indoor cats: Once per year
Street cats: At least 4 times per year and 14 days before (or after) each vaccination. Not simultaneously.
Different preparations can be administered in different ways. Follow the instructions provided by your veterinarian.
Interesting things:
There is custom-made deworming for humans against nematodes, tapeworms, Giardia. Unfortunately, there is still no vaccine against Lyme disease for cats. Prevention remains the best protection against Lyme disease (anti-tick prevention should be carried out every 3-4 weeks), as well as the regular, daily scanning of the animal for ticks. Lyme disease is usually not transmitted within the first 24 hours.
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miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012
jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012
The French Roulette Layout
French roulette is one of the loveliest and most complex games one can play in a casino. The basic principle is the same as in all roulette variants, but the wheel looks different and the game is played differently. There always need to be three dealers at the table. They also use a so-called rake if the table is too large. This is like a shaft designed to push the chips to the winning player. You should take a close look at the layout of the French roulette table to keep up with all the symbols used in this form of roulette.
Similarly to European roulette, French roulette is played with 37 numbers and therefore includes no double zero. There is a large box with a single zero at the top of the wheel. The 0 looks the same as in American roulette nad make the roulette house edge bigger. The numbers are lined up three by three from number 1 all the way to number 36.
Outside bets
This is where the two versions of roulette start to differ. You can bet on the exact same things as in American roulette, but of course the boxes are not in the same place as in French roulette. You might remember that in the American roulette version, all outside bets were on the same side of the numbers. In this variant, there are outside bets on both sides plus a few in any diagonal direction. There are boxes in the columns where you can bet on the column you believe the ball will land on. Diagonally there are the boxes for the dozens. These boxes are placed on both sides so that players can bet whatever their position. The boxes for dozens are very large in American roulette games and very small in French roulette. The only things written in the boxes are P, M and D and a small 12: P stands for Premiere, which is French for first. Therefore, P 12 is the first 12 (1-12). D stands for Derniere, which is French for last. Therefore, D 12 means the last 12 (25-36). M stands for middle, so M 12 refers to the numbers in between (13-24).
At the top of the wheel on both sides of the figures there are the Manque and Passe bets. Manque is the box in which you place your bets on the first 18 numbers (1-18) and Passe is the box in which you place your bets on the last 18 (19-36). There are two boxes called Pair and Impair in these boxes. This means even and odd numbers. You can probably figure it out yourself which is which. Then there are the red and black boxes. This may say nothing, but these colors can also be profitable.
A French roulette table is very exciting to watch. First of all, those who usually play at the French roulette table are extremely skilled as they usually throw the chips into the correct box. It is also fascinating to see how they push out chips with the rake. A French roulette table does not include any neighbors or comics like the ones found on the American roulette table. You have to tell the dealer if you want to play comics or neighbors and they will place the bet for you.
miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012
Playing Average Pairs at Poker Games
How to play middle pairs in cash games
The pairs ranging between 6-6 and J-J are called middle pairs. These hands are well below the big pairs in value. The value declines rapidly as you approach the pair of 6s. You can play them all whatever your position, but you must vary your game greatly if you want to win the coup.
Consider your position at the table when you choose your game options. Your game should vary according to whether the pot has been raised or not.
Raised pots

If you are in early position, raise twice with J-J, T-T, 9-9, 8-8, 7-7 and 6-6. The value of the raise should decrease as the value of the hands decreases.
Vary your play and call from time to time to cover your tracks. Otherwise, your game will follow a pattern and will quickly be spotted even by beginners. Even they will understand your play very quickly. Then, you will have great difficulties in recovering your bet.
If you are in middle position, you can raise if you have an average pair. Your raise will increase the value of KJ or QJ combinations, which could cause problems on the flop.
If you are in late position, you should be aggressive. For example, you can call with a pair of jacks or tens hoping to be revived and re-raise with what is probably the best hand at that time. In most cases, you will win the pot immediately.
If you have a short stack, you can re-raise or go all-in with a pair of jacks or tens. You should not fold because your chances of remaining in the game will decrease significantly.
If you have a big stack, you can follow the raise with these hands. The implied odds are huge if you hit a set. It will be difficult for your opponent to go further in the game if they do not hit a pair on the flop. Sometimes you can win instantly with a continuation bet.
If the pot has been raised and then re-raised, it is time to get rid of those hands that can cost you your entire carpet. However, you must make an exception to this rule if the bet was followed by several players. In this case, your hand is a draw hand with very favorable real and implied odds. Throw your hand if you do not hit the set on the flop. If you hit a set, you will win a huge pot. Use the newest casino promotions before you start to play. In most cases the bonuses are in form of pending dollars that you unlock by playing more and more games.
The pairs ranging between 6-6 and J-J are called middle pairs. These hands are well below the big pairs in value. The value declines rapidly as you approach the pair of 6s. You can play them all whatever your position, but you must vary your game greatly if you want to win the coup.
Consider your position at the table when you choose your game options. Your game should vary according to whether the pot has been raised or not.
Raised pots
If you are in early position, raise twice with J-J, T-T, 9-9, 8-8, 7-7 and 6-6. The value of the raise should decrease as the value of the hands decreases.
Vary your play and call from time to time to cover your tracks. Otherwise, your game will follow a pattern and will quickly be spotted even by beginners. Even they will understand your play very quickly. Then, you will have great difficulties in recovering your bet.
If you are in middle position, you can raise if you have an average pair. Your raise will increase the value of KJ or QJ combinations, which could cause problems on the flop.
If you are in late position, you should be aggressive. For example, you can call with a pair of jacks or tens hoping to be revived and re-raise with what is probably the best hand at that time. In most cases, you will win the pot immediately.
If you have a short stack, you can re-raise or go all-in with a pair of jacks or tens. You should not fold because your chances of remaining in the game will decrease significantly.
If you have a big stack, you can follow the raise with these hands. The implied odds are huge if you hit a set. It will be difficult for your opponent to go further in the game if they do not hit a pair on the flop. Sometimes you can win instantly with a continuation bet.
If the pot has been raised and then re-raised, it is time to get rid of those hands that can cost you your entire carpet. However, you must make an exception to this rule if the bet was followed by several players. In this case, your hand is a draw hand with very favorable real and implied odds. Throw your hand if you do not hit the set on the flop. If you hit a set, you will win a huge pot. Use the newest casino promotions before you start to play. In most cases the bonuses are in form of pending dollars that you unlock by playing more and more games.
viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012
Paying Off Debt versus Personal Bankruptcy
Debt counselors advise you to declare yourself bankrupt simply because there is less work for the consultant and a trustee does the rest of the work. The question is what you think about it and how bankruptcy can affect your future life. Weigh the changes and think about whether you can live with these changes and about what consequences might arise if you declare yourself bankrupt.
Personal bankruptcy is worthwhile only if the debt is very high and you have no more reserves to pay off at least 2 to 10 percent of the total amount monthly.
It is best to contact your creditors and make a current debt plan to determine if it is worth paying off the debt.
This is almost your whole heart of the planning and ultimately the basis of your decision. Then you decide together with your family whether there are no saving opportunities or if you should take up secondary activities to pay off your debt. Check whether you can receive any social benefits from the state. You can claim help from the AWO or DRKS. There are also several computers on the internet to calculate the amount you can claim from the social services.
It is completely up to you to choose a form of debt consolidation and repayment. This decision requires both discipline and renunciation.

Both forms of debt have advantages and disadvantages and everything depends on the circumstances. Let’s look at debt repayment in more detail first. This is worthwhile if your debt is manageable, if no savings have been made ? and if you are disciplined enough.
The debt can be paid in installments, just like in case of personal bankruptcy. However, the repayment of the debt leads to the deletion of the entries in the credit bureau, which is simply necessary in certain occupational groups. You do not receive the visit of the bailiff if your relationship with the creditors is good and honest. The requirement to pay off is to have a decent income. You can calculate the repayment rate per creditor and not rely on the attachment limits. In other words, you have more benefits and freedoms.
The disadvantage is that you have to live with the tension of having to pay off the debt and with the uncertainty that the creditor may lose their patience and ask the bailiff or the PA to seize your assets. You also need patience and discipline to stick to the repayment plan.
In case of personal bankruptcy, you have to inform the trustees on your financial matters and to obtain their permission to do anything that can affect your financial situation. The amount of the debt is only secondary when it comes to consumer bankruptcy. This is the best solution for you if you are hopelessly in debt. The repayment of the debt is indeed dependent on your income, but nothing can be paid if there is nothing to pay from. You can obtain the remaining credit debt relief within a short period of time. However, you have an entry in the credit bureau that cannot be cleared earlier than three years.
It is up to you to decide what is best for you. No one can make this decision for you.
Personal bankruptcy is worthwhile only if the debt is very high and you have no more reserves to pay off at least 2 to 10 percent of the total amount monthly.
It is best to contact your creditors and make a current debt plan to determine if it is worth paying off the debt.
This is almost your whole heart of the planning and ultimately the basis of your decision. Then you decide together with your family whether there are no saving opportunities or if you should take up secondary activities to pay off your debt. Check whether you can receive any social benefits from the state. You can claim help from the AWO or DRKS. There are also several computers on the internet to calculate the amount you can claim from the social services.
It is completely up to you to choose a form of debt consolidation and repayment. This decision requires both discipline and renunciation.
Advantages and disadvantages
Both forms of debt have advantages and disadvantages and everything depends on the circumstances. Let’s look at debt repayment in more detail first. This is worthwhile if your debt is manageable, if no savings have been made ? and if you are disciplined enough.
The debt can be paid in installments, just like in case of personal bankruptcy. However, the repayment of the debt leads to the deletion of the entries in the credit bureau, which is simply necessary in certain occupational groups. You do not receive the visit of the bailiff if your relationship with the creditors is good and honest. The requirement to pay off is to have a decent income. You can calculate the repayment rate per creditor and not rely on the attachment limits. In other words, you have more benefits and freedoms.
The disadvantage is that you have to live with the tension of having to pay off the debt and with the uncertainty that the creditor may lose their patience and ask the bailiff or the PA to seize your assets. You also need patience and discipline to stick to the repayment plan.
In case of personal bankruptcy, you have to inform the trustees on your financial matters and to obtain their permission to do anything that can affect your financial situation. The amount of the debt is only secondary when it comes to consumer bankruptcy. This is the best solution for you if you are hopelessly in debt. The repayment of the debt is indeed dependent on your income, but nothing can be paid if there is nothing to pay from. You can obtain the remaining credit debt relief within a short period of time. However, you have an entry in the credit bureau that cannot be cleared earlier than three years.
It is up to you to decide what is best for you. No one can make this decision for you.
martes, 15 de mayo de 2012
A Guide For a Proper Lighting
One of the most crucial elements to consider in building a home theater system is also one of the most over-looked. The lighting used in the room has an incredible effect on the movie viewing experience. It can make the difference between a pleasurable experience and a mediocre one. Believe it or not, complete darkness is not the best way to watch movies. This is in complete contrast to what most people actually do. You can even see this in practice at many movie theaters; the lights along the sides of the theater are kept very dim during the film but they are still on. The dim lighting helps to prevent the eye fatigue that results from staring at a bright light source in complete darkness. If you have ever had a headache after watching a long movie, it may have been caused by eye fatigue.

Lighting creates a certain atmosphere inside a room. This is true whether or not the atmosphere created is one that you had intended. When was the last time you walked into a theater that used overhead fluorescent lights? What kind of feelings would that evoke? Would you really feel like you were there to watch a movie or would it feel more like you were about to sit in on a seminar? Positioning, color, and intensity all play a role in the ambiance home theater lighting produces. Decide on exactly the feelings you would like to produce with your home theater lighting. What emotions would you like to evoke as people walk into your home theater? Warm? Relaxed? While different colors elicit different emotions from different people, there are some colors that seem to be associated with certain feelings. Choose shades of the color that is associated with the feelings you want to elicit from your home theater audience. The position and intensity of your home theater lighting will be determined by the placement of the viewing screen. Direct lighting should be avoided during the movie. Using fixtures that reflect light off of walls will help to avoid glare while reducing the harshness of the light. Dimmer switches are also a necessity if your home theater room is not equipped with central lighting control. They will provide you with the ability to customize the intensity of your home theater lighting to your own tastes.
Now before you come up with the excuse that your living room is your home theater room and other things take place there besides watching movies, just stop. If your home theater room and living room are one and the same, there is even greater incentive for you to address the room's lighting. Your living room is a multi-purpose room. When your friends come to visit, that is where you congregate. You read your books in your favorite chair, which is in the living room. Your family gets together to play board games or even just to talk in the living room. On top of these and anything else that goes on in your living room, you watch your movies there. How nice would it be if you could adjust the lights to create the perfect reading atmosphere around your favorite chair? Or how would you like to make a very inclusive and personal setting for spending time with loved ones? Even doing something as simple as creating a relaxing, cozy environment after coming home from work can be accomplished by changing the lighting conditions of a room. Proper lighting will provide you with the means to create all of this in your living room. Home theater lighting can easily be tailored in order to take the work out of finding the perfect setting for each light in the room every time you want to watch a movie. A central lighting control allows you to change the intensity of the all lights in a room from a single location. Some of the more sophisticated learning remote controls can actually activate your favorite lighting conditions with the push of a button. As you can see, lighting is vital to the effectiveness of your home theater system. After being introduced to the possibilities that proper home theater lighting and control provides, it will be hard for you to ignore it any longer. You've taken the time, effort, and expense of creating a home theater system for a reason. Finish the job with proper lighting and create a truly enjoyable viewing experience.
Lighting creates a certain atmosphere inside a room. This is true whether or not the atmosphere created is one that you had intended. When was the last time you walked into a theater that used overhead fluorescent lights? What kind of feelings would that evoke? Would you really feel like you were there to watch a movie or would it feel more like you were about to sit in on a seminar? Positioning, color, and intensity all play a role in the ambiance home theater lighting produces. Decide on exactly the feelings you would like to produce with your home theater lighting. What emotions would you like to evoke as people walk into your home theater? Warm? Relaxed? While different colors elicit different emotions from different people, there are some colors that seem to be associated with certain feelings. Choose shades of the color that is associated with the feelings you want to elicit from your home theater audience. The position and intensity of your home theater lighting will be determined by the placement of the viewing screen. Direct lighting should be avoided during the movie. Using fixtures that reflect light off of walls will help to avoid glare while reducing the harshness of the light. Dimmer switches are also a necessity if your home theater room is not equipped with central lighting control. They will provide you with the ability to customize the intensity of your home theater lighting to your own tastes.
Now before you come up with the excuse that your living room is your home theater room and other things take place there besides watching movies, just stop. If your home theater room and living room are one and the same, there is even greater incentive for you to address the room's lighting. Your living room is a multi-purpose room. When your friends come to visit, that is where you congregate. You read your books in your favorite chair, which is in the living room. Your family gets together to play board games or even just to talk in the living room. On top of these and anything else that goes on in your living room, you watch your movies there. How nice would it be if you could adjust the lights to create the perfect reading atmosphere around your favorite chair? Or how would you like to make a very inclusive and personal setting for spending time with loved ones? Even doing something as simple as creating a relaxing, cozy environment after coming home from work can be accomplished by changing the lighting conditions of a room. Proper lighting will provide you with the means to create all of this in your living room. Home theater lighting can easily be tailored in order to take the work out of finding the perfect setting for each light in the room every time you want to watch a movie. A central lighting control allows you to change the intensity of the all lights in a room from a single location. Some of the more sophisticated learning remote controls can actually activate your favorite lighting conditions with the push of a button. As you can see, lighting is vital to the effectiveness of your home theater system. After being introduced to the possibilities that proper home theater lighting and control provides, it will be hard for you to ignore it any longer. You've taken the time, effort, and expense of creating a home theater system for a reason. Finish the job with proper lighting and create a truly enjoyable viewing experience.
miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012
What Flowers Are to be Offered on What Occasion
The language of flowers as a gift
A bouquet is always a delicate way to please someone, not just on Valentine's Day. Why not choose the appropriate flowers to offer to someone?
Whether you send flowers or you offer them yourself, your bouquet will be more valuable to the person to whom you intend to offer it if it sends a message. Feel free to attach a small card explaining what you meant by your gesture. If everyone knows the meaning of an armful of red roses, other flowers and other colors are more mysterious.
How to choose the color
Red is the color of passion and violent feelings. Scarlet roses are perfect for a declaration of love.
Pink evokes affection and kindness. Pink flowers will be offered to a friend, a grandmother, to any person for whom you feel affection.
White is the symbol of purity, virginity and also expresses elegance and refinement, as well as admiration. White flowers and in general all pale shades are perfect for a young girl.
The yellow color of the sun reflects joy and happiness, just like orange. They transmit joy and the joy to share things with someone else.
Purple symbolizes stealth and deep feelings. It may also evoke pain and grief.
Blue is the color of love unless it is very dark. In this case, it is a painful memory.
Red roses are the secret if you want to declare your love, your passion! There should be an odd number of flowers in a bouquet if there are less than 10 flowers, otherwise, there should be an even number of flowers. But if you are crazy about her (or him, why not - we are in the twenty-first century), offer her (or him) a bouquet comprising of 36 red roses. And if you are shy, a mixed bouquet will do the talking for you.
Other flowers and other colors will then refine your message.
Here are some clear messages:
Violet: Someone is in love with you, but it is a secret.
Pink and white lilies and camellias: You are the best, I admire you.
Yellow roses: I beg your pardon (infidelity) or I give you my forgiveness.
Myosotis: I think of you. Do not forget me.
White eyelet: I am loyal.
Chrysanthemums: Our love ends.
Sweet William: I am your slave.
Blueberry: I love you in silence.
Hydrangea: Is there any hope?
Thrush: Happiness is back.
Why do people offer flowers?
You may send flowers cheap to wish a sick person a speedy recovery (the flowers must be removed at night) or to honor a person at their funeral. They can be offered to thank someone after a dinner or a pleasant time or to congratulate a new mother after childbirth.
It is a good idea to embellish the decorations in an invitation. It is so fashionable to ask the recipient what flowers or what color scheme would suit her. A flower bouquet can also signify apologies if it is offered personally. And finally, you can offer someone a bouquet whenever you want to please them for whatever reason.
jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012
Microdermabrasion Dermabrasion
Skin rejuvenation with microdermabrasion
Every day our skin is under attack. The environment has various aggressive substances in our bodies and our skin: skin problems and skin imperfections such as bad skin, oily skin, dry skin, pigmentation problems, acne, acne scars and stretch marks and create cellulite, ... - All this can be gently and effectively removed by microdermabrasion treatment.
The cosmetic procedure of microdermabrasion helps to give your skin a youthful and fresh appearance again. The treatment is also very relaxing.
What is Microdermabrasion Dermabrasion?
The Microdermabrasion is a treatment with a special air pressure system.
Dermabrasion is often used for the treatment of scars resulting from injury or surgery using a machine with a rotating wheel. The anesthetized skin is abraded.
Because dermabrasion penetrates into the deeper skin layers, the skin needs a much longer time to recover than after a microdermabrasion ( MDA ), in which one hour after the treatment, you can already go out and party.
Microdermabrasion Treatment Procedure
A special air system fine microcrystals are sputtered on the skin. The pores are cleansed, and the top layers of skin are gently removed. The warm steam stimulates the skin cells to increase activity and to form various fresh cells.
During treatment, your skin is first cleaned and prepared with a light exfoliation. After steaming and deep cleansing, your skin is gently massaged and is given a final cleaning with a soothing concentrated agent.
The following skin problems can be treated with microdermabrasion:
• blemished skin, oily skin, dry skin and sensitive skin
• scars, acne scars and acne, especially in late acne
• small wrinkles, especially on the lip
• Light and sun damage skin
• pigmentation problems and birthmarks
• horny skin
• stretch marks, stretch marks and cellulite
• large pore skin
The gentle grinding of the upper layers of the cornea activates the self-healing mechanism of the skin, revealing fresh, and soon the original natural beauty of your healthy skin.
How many treatments are needed?
Pamper yourself regularly with a cosmetic microdermabrasion.Find more advice at repeated application, the cell structure of your skin can be improved. It can become more resilient.
Of course, the treatment is completely painless and is performed by our skin specialists. The more often you can perform a microdermabrasion, the better and more uniform is the result.
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